Tom vs Time is an American documentary series created by Gotham Chopra that was released from January 25 to March 12, 2018 on Facebook Watch. The six-episode series follows New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and provides an intimate look at his off-season training regimen as well as his home life spent with wife Gisele Bündchen and their children.
Genre | Documentary |
Created by | Gotham Chopra |
Directed by | Gotham Chopra |
Starring | Tom Brady, Gisele Bündchen |
Composer(s) | Antonio Pinto, Ed Côrtes |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 6 |
Executive producer(s) | Gotham Chopra, Ameeth Sankaran, Chris Uettwiller, Martin Desmond Roe |
Producer(s) | Nicolas Emiliani, Erik LeDrew |
Editor(s) | Brady Hammes |
Running time | 14–21 minutes |
Production company(s) | Dirty Robber, Religion of Sports |
Original network | Facebook Watch |
关于Tom vs Time
Documentary series chronicling the off-season training regimen of New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady as well as his home life with his wife and children.
Tom vs Time的成就
Gotham Chopra created and directed the show. The release of the series finale was delayed as the episode was going to be titled "tied to the Pats winning the Super Bowl." However, the Patriots lost that Super Bowl to the Philadelphia Eagles.
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American web series.