Lazer Team is a 2015 American science fiction action comedy film directed, produced, and co-written by Matt Hullum. The first feature film produced by Rooster Teeth, it stars Burnie Burns, Gavin Free, Michael Jones, Colton Dunn, Allie DeBerry, and Alan Ritchson. The film follows the Lazer Team, a group of four who find themselves responsible for the fate of the planet upon discovering an alien crash site containing a battle suit. The film was produced by Hullum, Burns, and Doreen Copeland. Burns and Hullum also co-wrote the script, alongside Rooster Teeth employees Chris Demarais and Josh Flanagan. Funding for Lazer Team was largely raised through a successful Indiegogo campaign, raising over $2.4 million in a month. Filming began in October 2014, with principal photography taking place in Austin and New Mexico. Lazer Team premiered at Fantastic Fest on September 24, 2015. Through Amplify and Tugg, the film was theatrically released on January 27, 2016, as a cinema-in-demand model.
导演 | Matt Hullum |
Produced by | Doreen Copeland, Burnie Burns, Matt Hullum |
Screenplay by | Burnie Burns, Chris Demarais, Josh Flanagan, Matt Hullum |
Story by | Burnie Burns |
Starring | Burnie Burns, Gavin Free, Michael Jones, Colton Dunn, Allie DeBerry, Alan Ritchson |
Music | Jeff Williams |
Cinematography | Philip Roy |
Edited by | Chris Demarais, Josh Flanagan, Aaron Marquis, David James Ward |
Production, company | Rooster Teeth |
Distributed by | Fullscreen Films, YouTube Premium, (Online), Amplify, Tugg, (Theatrical) |
Released | September 24, 2015 (Fantastic Fest), January 27, 2016 (United States), February 10, 2016 (YouTube Premium) |
Running time | 102 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $2.4 million |
Box office | $1.6 million |
关于Lazer Team
Four small town misfits find a UFO crash site and must use the onboard extraterrestrial battle suit in order to save the world. Matt Hullum wrote, produced, and directed the film.
Lazer Team的成就
The movie was shot in Austin, Texas. The film became the highest funded movie on the Indiegogo raising over $2.4 million in 2014.
您不知道Lazer Team的热门事实
Fullscreen (company).. Indiegogo projects.. Films shot in Austin, Texas.. Crowdfunded films.. Films shot in New Mexico.. Films set in Texas.. American buddy films.