Pokémon Origins, known in Japan as Pocket Monsters: The Origin, is a spin-off Japanese anime television miniseries based on Nintendo's Pokémon franchise. Unlike the ongoing television series, this 90 minute special features the settings and characters from the original video games Pokémon Red and Blue, and is largely more faithful to the games' mechanics and designs. Like the television series, it was not owned by Media Factory. Animation is handled by Production I.G, Xebec, and OLM, Inc., and the film is split into four parts, each directed by a different director from these studios. It was broadcast on TV Tokyo on October 2, 2013, ten days before the release of the X and Y video games, and began streaming internationally on Nintendo's Pokémon TV service from November 15, 2013 to December 2, 2013. On September 14, 2016, the first episode of the series was released for free on the official Pokémon YouTube channel and was later removed in 2017.
Giới thiệu về Pokémon Origins
Japanese anime miniseries based on Nintendo's Pokémon franchise. A young boy named Red is tasked with capturing all 149 kinds of creatures known as Pokemon. The four parts are each directed by a different director.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của Pokémon Origins
The miniseries is known in Japan as Pocket Monsters: The Origin.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về Pokémon Origins
Pokémon - Pokémon, also known as Pocket Monsters in Japan, is a Japanese media franchise managed by The Pokémon Company, a company founded by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures.. Pokémon (anime) - Pokémon, abbreviated from the Japanese title of Pocket Monsters and currently advertised in English as Pokémon the Series, is a Japanese anime television series, part of The Pokémon Company's Pokémon media franchise, which premiered in Japan on April 1, 1997, on TV Tokyo.. Pokémon Generations - Pokémon Generations is a Japanese-animated original net animation series produced by OLM and released on YouTube by The Pokémon Company.. Anime spin-offs.. OLM, Inc.. Xebec (studio).. Production I.G.. Anime television series based on video games.
Thông tin về Pokémon Origins cập nhật ngày 28 tháng 7 năm 2021.