Tyler Perry's Madea's Tough Love is a 2015 direct-to-video animated comedy film directed by Frank Marino, written by Matt Fleckenstein with additional screenplay material by Ben Gluck, produced by Tyler Perry, Matt Moore, and Ozzie Areu, and starring the voices of Perry, Cassi Davis, Rolonda Watts, Avery Kidd Waddell, Philip Anthony-Rodriguez, Georg Stanford Brown, Kevin Michael Richardson, Mari Williams, Indigo, Caitlyn Taylor Love, Maya Kay, Kate Higgins, and Bootsy Collins. It was released on January 20, 2015. While the film is mainly animated and serves as Tyler Perry Studios' first animated film, the beginning and ending scenes however are live-action like the other Madea films.
Đạo diễn | Frank Marino |
Produced by | Ozzie Areu, Ken Katsumoto, Matt Moore, Tyler Perry, Eric S. Rollman |
Screenplay by | Matt Fleckenstein, Ben Gluck |
Story by | Ben Chambers |
Based on | Characters created by, Tyler Perry |
Starring | Tyler Perry, Cassi Davis, Rolonda Watts, Avery Kidd Waddell, Philip Anthony-Rodriguez, Georg Stanford Brown, Kevin Michael Richardson, Mari Williams, Indigo, Caitlyn Taylor Love, Maya Kay, Kate Higgins, Bootsy Collins |
Music | Frank Ciampi |
Edited by | Leo Papin |
Production, company | Tyler Perry Studios, Bento Box Entertainment |
Distributed by | Lionsgate Home Entertainment |
Released | January 20, 2015 |
Running time | 64 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Box office | $2.5 million |
Giới thiệu về Madea's Tough Love
Direct-to-video animated comedy entry in the greater Madea franchise. In the film Madea is sentenced to community service and must stop the local youth center from being shut down. It was directed by Frank Marino.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của Madea's Tough Love
It served as Tyler Perry Studios' first animated film. Both the opening and closing scenes in the film are live action.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về Madea's Tough Love
Don't Make a Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings - Don't Make a Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings is a 2006 humor novel by Tyler Perry and focuses on his character of Madea. The book won the 2006 Quills Awards for Book of the Year, and spent twelve weeks on the USA Today bestseller list.. 2010s American animated films.. Films with live action and animation.
Thông tin về Madea's Tough Love cập nhật ngày 15 tháng 2 năm 2022.