Garfield is an American comic strip created by Jim Davis. Originally published locally as Jon in 1976, then in nationwide syndication from 1978 as Garfield, it chronicles the life of the title character, Garfield the cat; Jon Arbuckle, his human owner; and Odie, the dog. As of 2013, it was syndicated in roughly 2,580 newspapers and journals, and held the Guinness World Record for being the world's most widely syndicated comic strip.
Author(s) | Jim Davis |
Current status / schedule | Running/Daily |
Launch date | June 19, 1978 |
Syndicate(s) | Universal Press Syndicate/Universal Uclick/Andrews McMeel Syndication (1994–present), United Feature Syndicate (1978–1994) |
Publisher(s) | Random House (under Ballantine Books), occasionally Andrews McMeel Publishing |
Genre(s) | Gag-a-day, Humor |
Preceded by | Jon (1976–1977) and Garfield (1977–1978), locally published strips in the Pendleton Times-Post |
Giới thiệu về Garfield
Based on the Jim Davis comic strip of the same name, the film sees the titular cat on a mission to find and rescue his owner's new dog Odie.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của Garfield
The character of Garfield was computer animated while other animals in the movie were real. A 2006 sequel was released which was called Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về Garfield
Garfield Category.. Indiana culture.. Comic strips set in the United States.. Comics about cats.. Comics about dogs.. Slice of life comics.. Comics adapted into video games.. American comics adapted into films.. Comics adapted into animated series.. Nickelodeon.. Comics adapted into television series.. Gag-a-day comics.. American comic strips.