Girl Code is an American comedy television series on MTV that debuted on April 23, 2013 that currently airs through Snapchat Discover. It is a spin-off series to Guy Code. The series features female actresses, musicians, stand-up comics—plus a few men—who discuss the sisterhood that women share. It was announced on June 13, 2013, that the series had been renewed for a twenty-episode second season, which premiered on October 30, 2013. In April 2014, MTV announced the third season renewal of Girl Code, which premiered on October 1, 2014. In August 2015, MTV premiered a spin-off talk show called Girl Code Live hosted by Awkwafina, Nessa, and Carly Aquilino. Girl Code was revived for Snapchat Discover by MTV on July 27, 2017 and a second Snap season started in March 2018.
Genre | Comedy |
Directed by | Laura Murphy |
Theme music composer | Flavorlab, Brian Quill |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 4 television, 2 Snapchat |
No. of episodes | 75 television |
Executive producer(s) | Darin Byrne, Paul Ricci, Ryan Ling |
Running time | 22 minutes |
Production company(s) | MTV Production Development |
Distributor | ViacomCBS Domestic Media Networks |
Original network | MTV (via Snapchat as of 2017) |
Picture format | 1080i (HDTV) |
Related shows | Guy Code |
關於Girl Code
Spin-off of the series Guy Code which featured female celebrities discussing the sisterhood women share.
Girl Code的成就
A spin-off talk show called Girl Code Live premiered in August of 2015 which would be hosted by Awkwafina, Nessa Diab and Carly Aquilino.