Ink Master is an American reality competition television series that aired on Paramount Network. The show, which premiered on January 17, 2012, features tattoo artists who compete in various challenges assessing their tattoo and other related artistic skills. They are judged by renowned tattoo artists and enthusiasts, with one or more contestants being eliminated each episode. The last contestant standing each season receives a $100,000 prize, the title of Ink Master and a feature in Inked Magazine. The series is produced by Original Media, which also produced the reality show Miami Ink. Three spin-off shows, titled Ink Master: Redemption, Ink Master: Angels and Ink Master: Grudge Match, have also been released. The series has also released a number of special standalone episodes generally themed around an upcoming event or holiday such as Halloween.
Genre | Reality television |
Presented by | Dave Navarro |
Judges | Dave Navarro, Chris Núñez, Oliver Peck |
Narrated by | Matt Knight (season 1), Rick Robles (seasons 2–13) |
Theme music composer | Vanacore Music, Inc |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 13 |
No. of episodes | 186 |
Executive producer(s) | Steven Weinstock, Glenda Hersh, Andrea Richter |
Location(s) | New York City |
Camera setup | Multiple-camera |
Running time | 40–83 minutes |
Production company(s) | Original Media, Truly Original (seasons 9–13) |
Original network | Spike (2012–18), Paramount Network (2018–20), Paramount+ (revival) |
Picture format | 1080i (HDTV) |
Related shows | Ink Master: Redemption, Ink Master: Angels, Ink Master: Grudge Match |
О Тейлор Ink Master
Tattoo artistry competition presented by Даве Наварро and judged by Цхрис Нунез and Оливер Пецк where participants compete in various challenges.
Достижении Ink Master
Most episodes start off with a Flash Challenge and end with an Elimination Challenge.
Топ-факты о Ink Master, которые вы не знали
Ink Master Category.. Tattooing television series.