Studio C

Studio C is an American sketch comedy television show created by Matt Meese and Jared Shores. Produced by BYUtv, the show aims to be clean, family-oriented comedy for a national audience. The show traces its roots to the Brigham Young University sketch comedy troupe Divine Comedy, which shares some cast members with Studio C. The show's name is a reference to the studio in the BYU Broadcasting Building where the show is primarily taped. As of November 2020, Studio C had a YouTube channel with over 2.49 million subscribers and more than 2.2 billion total views. Their channel features many skits from the show, along with a few YouTube exclusives. Studio C's most popular video is "Top Soccer Shootout Ever With Scott Sterling", which by the end of 2019 had over 70 million views on YouTube. Studio C posts new videos on YouTube every Tuesday and Friday.

Genre Sketch Comedy
Created by Matt Meese, Jared Shores
Opening theme "I Want to Run" by Mates of State (since season 2)
Country of origin United States
Original language(s) English
No. of seasons 13
No. of episodes 162
Executive producer(s) Derek Marquis, Scott Swofford
Producer(s) Matt Meese, Luiz Malaman
Location(s) Provo, Utah
Camera setup Multi-camera
Running time 20–26 minutes
Original network BYU TV/KBYU-TV
First shown in March 3 2003

О Тейлор Studio C

Comedy troupe that originated out of Brigham Young University before bringing their sketches to YouTube. The roots of group are traced back to BYU's Divine Comedy troupe.

Достижении Studio C

The top video on the channel for a long time was called "Top Soccer Shootout Ever With Scott Sterling." Members of the group announced that they would be joining a new digital family called JK! Studios in January 2019.

Топ-факты о Studio C, которые вы не знали

YouTube channels.

Последняя информация о Studio C обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.