Team Yey! is a Philippine children's television show created by Yey!, a defunct digital free-to-air channel of ABS-CBN TVplus. The show premiered on June 19, 2016, and was aired every Mondays to Sundays from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM, with replays from 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM. For over four seasons, Team Yey! was the first local children's program produced and aired on a digital-television-exclusive channel. On June 30, 2020, the show stopped airing after Yey! channel ceased its free-to-air broadcast operations as ordered by the National Telecommunications Commission due to the expiration of ABS-CBN's legislative franchise. The show has since moved to Kapamilya Channel. The fifth season premiered on September 12, 2020 on the network's Just Love Kids children's programming block, airing every Saturday mornings, and reruns from past seasons aired on free TV via A2Z every weekends.
Genre | Children's show |
Created by | Benedict Manlapaz |
Opening theme | "Team Yey!" theme song by the Team Yey! cast |
Country of origin | Philippines |
Original language(s) | Filipino, English |
No. of seasons | 5 |
Camera setup | Multiple-camera setup |
Running time | 30 minutes |
Production company(s) | ABS-CBN Digital Terrestrial Television |
Original network | Yey! (seasons 1-4), Kapamilya Channel and A2Z (season 5-present) |
Picture format | 1080i (HDTV) |
О Тейлор Team Yey!
Children's television program broadcast on ABS-CBN TV Plus's digital channel Yey! Segments of the show would include Galaw Go!, Artstig, StorYey and Sunday Funday.
Достижении Team Yey!
Hosts of the series had previously found success on other Filipino programs such as ИтЬс Схощтиме, Dance Kids and Тхе Воице Кидс (Пхилиппинес).
Топ-факты о Team Yey!, которые вы не знали
Goin' Bulilit - Goin' Bulilit was a Philippine sketch comedy program broadcast by ABS-CBN. The show premiered on February 6, 2005, and aired every Sunday nights on the network's Yes Weekend!.. Philippine children's television series.