La venganza de Analía is a Colombian drama television series created by Clara María Ochoa and CMO Producciones for Caracol Televisión. The series premiered on 15 April 2020 at 8:30 p.m, and it stars Carolina Gómez as the title character. The show is available in 4K UHDTV.
Genre | Drama |
Created by | Clara María Ochoa |
Written by | Claudia Sánchez & Said Chamie |
Directed by | Camilo Vega, Lucho Sierra |
Starring | Carolina Gómez |
Country of origin | Colombia |
Original language(s) | Spanish |
No. of episodes | 56 |
Production company(s) | CMO Producciones |
Distributor | Caracol Internacional |
Original network | Caracol Televisión |
Picture format | HDTV 1080i, 4K (Ultra HD) |
Audio format | Stereophonic sound |
О Тейлор Her Mother's Killer
A young woman sets out to exact revenge for the murder of her mother. To carry out her plan she becomes an advisor to a prominent political figure. The series was created by Clara María Ochoa.
Достижении Her Mother's Killer
The program originally aired on Colombia's Caracol Televisión. The show's first season consists of 56 episodes.
Топ-факты о Her Mother's Killer, которые вы не знали
Caracol Televisión telenovelas.
Последняя информация о Her Mother's Killer обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.