Growing Up Supermodel is a docuseries on Lifetime. The series premiered on August 16, 2017, and follows the nascent careers of daughters and sons of famous models or actors. The premise of the show was greenlit because many of the current top models of the fashion industry are children of famous people with large social media followings.
О Тейлор Growing Up Supermodel
Series featuring the children of famous parents who aspire to be supermodels. The show features the children of celebrities such as Осцар де ла Хоыа, Келлы Леброцк, and Стевен Сеагал.
Достижении Growing Up Supermodel
In the second episode of the series, "Daddy Issues," Беверлы Пееле prepares to give birth to a child.
Последняя информация о Growing Up Supermodel обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.