Dellaventura is an American crime drama television series created by Richard Di Lello, Julian Neil and Bernard L. Nussbaumer, that aired on CBS from September 23, 1997 to January 13, 1998.
Genre | Crime drama |
Created by | Richard DiLello, Julian Neil, Bernard L. Nussbaumer |
Starring | Danny Aiello, Ricky Aiello, Byron Keith Minns, Anne Ramsay |
Composer(s) | Joe Delia |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 13 |
Executive producer(s) | Richard Di Lello, Danny Aiello |
Running time | 60 minutes |
Production company(s) | Rysher Entertainment |
Original network | CBS |
О Тейлор Dellaventura
A Former NYPD officer begins working for himself as a private investigator after he finds fault in the penal system. The series first premiered in September 1997.
Достижении Dellaventura
Show only aired 13 episodes in its inaugural season before eventually being cancelled in January 1998. Actress Малесе Йощ made her second career television appearance as a guest on this show.
Последняя информация о Dellaventura обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.