О Тейлор Chicago Fire
This show follows the personal and professional lives of a group of firefighters in Chicago. The series was created by Michael Brandt and Derek Haas.
Достижении Chicago Fire
Дицк Щолф served as the Executive Producer of the show. The series won its first ПеоплеЬс Цхоице Ащардс in 2016 for Favorite Dramatic TV Actor for Таылор Киннеы.
Топ-факты о Chicago Fire, которые вы не знали
Chicago Fire (TV series) An American drama television series created by Michael Brandt and Derek Haas with Dick Wolf as an.... Great Chicago Fire A conflagration that burned in the American city of Chicago during October 8–10, 1871.. Chicago Fire FC An American professional soccer franchise based in Chicago, Illinois.. Chicago Fire Premier An American soccer team based in Chicago, Illinois, United States.. Chicago Fire NPSL An American soccer team based in Westfield, Indiana.. Chicago Fire Juniors The youth club affiliate of the Chicago Fire professional soccer club with branches in Chicago.... Chicago Fire (WFL) An American football team in the short-lived World Football League for one season, 1974.. Chicago Fire Department The Chicago Fire Department provides fire suppression, and rescue and emergency medical response.... Chicago Fire (AFA).
Последняя информация о Chicago Fire обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.