The Mighty Ducks is an American media franchise trilogy of live-action films released in the 1990s by Walt Disney Pictures, an animated television series, a live-action sequel television series, and a real-world National Hockey League hockey team. The movies revolve around a Twin Cities ice hockey team, composed of young players that stick together throughout various challenges. Despite its negative reviews by movie critics, the trilogy's commercial success paved the way for the franchise's expansion. The franchise has various releases in other media, including theme park and hotel attractions.
Creator | Steven Brill |
Original work | The Mighty Ducks |
Owner | The Walt Disney Company |
О Тейлор The Mighty Ducks
An egotistical lawyer coaches a little league hockey team. This is the first film in The Mighty Ducks trilogy.
Достижении The Mighty Ducks
Years after the movie was released, Anaheim California started a hockey team called the Mighty Ducks. The film's success led to sequels of the film and an animated TV series.
Топ-факты о The Mighty Ducks, которые вы не знали
The Mighty Ducks Category.. Anaheim Ducks.
Последняя информация о The Mighty Ducks обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.