Jamesy Boy is a 2014 American biographical crime drama film directed by Trevor White and written by White and Lane Shadgett. The film stars Spencer Lofranco, Mary-Louise Parker, Taissa Farmiga, Ving Rhames, and James Woods. It tells the true story of ex-convict James Burns. The film was released in North America on January 3, 2014 through video on demand, and in a limited release on January 17, 2014 by Phase 4 Films.
Директор | Trevor White |
Produced by | Scott Mednick, Wayne L. Rogers, Maria Norman, Steven P. Saeta, Galen Walker, Tim White |
Screenplay by | Trevor White, Lane Shadgett |
Starring | Spencer Lofranco, Mary-Louise Parker, Ving Rhames, Taissa Farmiga, James Woods |
Music | Jermaine Stegall |
Cinematography | Robert Lam |
Edited by | Josh Noyes |
Distributed by | Phase 4 Films, XLrator Media |
Released | January 03, 2014 |
Running time | 109 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $4 million |
Netflix ID | 70297647 |
О Тейлор Jamesy Boy
Based on a true story, teen gang member, James Burns, turns his life around while still in a maximum security prison once he befriends a convicted murderer.
Достижении Jamesy Boy
Trevor White wrote and directed the film in his directorial debut. The film was filmed in Baltimore, Maryland.
Топ-факты о Jamesy Boy, которые вы не знали
Phase 4 Films films.. Films shot in Baltimore.