Evil Dead

Evil Dead is an American supernatural horror film franchise created by Sam Raimi consisting of four feature films and a television series. The series revolves around the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, an ancient Sumerian text which wreaks havoc upon a group of cabin inhabitants in a wooded area in Tennessee. The protagonist, Ashley Joanna "Ash" Williams is the only character to appear in every installment of the original trilogy, with the notable exception of his main love interest Linda, who appears in Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness during only the prologues. The original trilogy includes The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, and Army of Darkness, all written and directed by Raimi, produced by Robert G. Tapert, and starring Campbell. The franchise has since expanded into other formats, including video games, comic books, a musical, and a television series.

Creator Sam Raimi
Original work The Evil Dead (1981)
Films Original series, The Evil Dead (1981), Evil Dead II (1987), Army of Darkness (1992) Reboot series, Evil Dead (2013), Evil Dead Rise (2022)
Short films Within the Woods (1978)
Television series Ash vs Evil Dead (2015–2018)
Musicals Evil Dead (2003–2019)

О Тейлор Evil Dead

Soft reboot of the classic 1981 film The Evil Dead in which five friends in a remote cabin discover a Book of the Dead leading them to unwittingly summon up demons.

Достижении Evil Dead

The film marked the directorial debut for Феде Алварез. Original The Evil Dead director Сам Раими and star of the original Бруце Цампбелл served as producers on the film.

Топ-факты о Evil Dead, которые вы не знали

The Evil Dead (franchise).. Demons in film.

Последняя информация о Evil Dead обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.