Sobre Waiting...
Workplace comedy film that follows the crew of employees at a Shenaniganz restaurant. When the team welcomes a new employee, the new guy gets a crash course in service industry antics. The film was directed by Rob McKittrick.
Conquista de Waiting...
The film's production received assistance from Live Planet's Project Greenlight. The film made more than twice its budget during its opening weekend at the box office.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre Waiting...
Waiting... (film) Waiting... is a 2005 American independent comedy film written and directed by Rob McKittrick and.... Waiting staff Waiting staff, waitstaff, waiters / waitresses, or servers, are those who work at a restaurant, a.... Waiting (2015 film) A 2015 Indian Hindi-language drama film directed by Anu Menon.
Últimas informações sobre Waiting... atualizado em 23 de Dezembro, 2022.