Silent Hill is a Japanese horror media franchise centered on a series of survival horror video games, created by Keiichiro Toyama, developed and published by Konami, and published by its subsidiary Konami Digital Entertainment. The first four video games in the series, Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3 and Silent Hill 4: The Room, were developed by an internal group called Team Silent, a development staff within former Konami subsidiary Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo. The later six games, Origins, Homecoming, Shattered Memories, Downpour, Book of Memories and P.T., were developed by other, mostly Western developers. The Silent Hill franchise has expanded to include various print pieces, two feature films, and spin-off video games. As of 2013, the game series has sold over 8.4 million copies worldwide. Silent Hill is set in the series' eponymous fictional American town.
Genres | Survival horror |
Developers | Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo (Team Silent), Creature Labs, Climax Studios, Double Helix Games, Vatra Games, WayForward Technologies, Kojima Productions |
Publishers | Konami |
Creators | Keiichiro Toyama |
Compositores | Akira Yamaoka (1999–2009), Daniel Licht (2012), Ludvig Forssell (2014) |
Platforms | PlayStation, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4 |
First release | Silent Hill, February 23, 1999 |
Latest release | P.T, August 12, 2014 |
Sobre Silent Hill
A woman goes searching for her adopted daughter in a desolate town called Silent Hill. It is an adaptation of the Konami video game series of the same name,
Conquista de Silent Hill
Beyond the movie's score, the only other music in the movie was Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire." A sequel was released in 2012 called Silent Hill: Revelation.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre Silent Hill
Silent Hill Category.. Video games set in Maine.. Fictional populated places in the United States.. Konami franchises.. Psychological horror games.
Últimas informações sobre Silent Hill atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.