The Rickey Smiley Show is an American television sitcom that aired on TV One and premiered September 18, 2012. The series stars Rickey Smiley, J. Anthony Brown, Noree Victoria, Demetria McKinney, Lil' JJ, Ajiona Alexus, Gabriel Burgess, Roz Ryan, and Ray J. The Rickey Smiley Show was renewed for a 26 episode second season in March 2013, that premiered on July 26, 2013. It was announced that the show has been renewed for a third season which premiered on April 4, 2014. In April 2015, the series was canceled after three seasons.
Genre | Sitcom |
Starring | Rickey Smiley, J. Anthony Brown, Noree Victoria, Ajiona Alexus, Demetria McKinney, Gabriel Burgess, Lil' JJ, Ray J, Roz Ryan |
Composer(s) | Daeus Cannon, Terry Williams |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 37 |
Executive producer(s) | Rickey Smiley, Roger Bobb, Tia Smith, Ward White, Yolanda Starkes-White |
Location(s) | Atlanta, Georgia |
Camera setup | Multi-camera |
Running time | 20 to 23 minutes |
Production company(s) | Bobbcat Films |
Original network | TV One |
Over The Rickey Smiley Show
Sitcom that examined the inner workings of The Rickey Smiley radio morning show. It was canceled after three seasons and thirty-seven episodes.
Prestaties van The Rickey Smiley Show
The multi-camera show was shot in Atlanta, Georgia. It was produced by Roger Bobb's Bobbcat Films.
Top feiten die je niet wist over The Rickey Smiley Show
Television shows filmed in Atlanta.
Laatste informatie over The Rickey Smiley Show bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.