Juacas is a Brazilian television series created by Carina Schulze and produced by Chatrone and Cinefilm and broadcast by Disney Channel Brazil since July 3, 2017. It is the second original national series produced by Disney Channel in Brazil, after Que Talento!. The story combines comedy, action and romance. The series premiered on July 3, 2017 in Latin America and Italy, through closed channels on Disney Channel and Disney XD. The series was shown from October 21, 2017 to January 14, 2018, in the World Disney block on SBT. In Portugal, it debuted on May 14, 2018 through the closed channel SIC K. Shortly after the end of the series, it was made available on the service of Claro and Net, Now. On August 4, 2018, the series was made available on the Netflix streaming service.
Genre | Action comedy |
Created by | Carina Schulze |
Directed by | Juliana Vonlanten |
Starring | André Lamoglia, Bruno Astuti, Marino Canguçú, Eike Duarte, Juan Ciancio, Rafael Castro |
Original language(s) | Portuguese |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 52 |
Running time | 30 Minutes |
Original network | Disney Channel Brazil |
Picture format | HDTV 1080i |
Audio format | Stereophonic sound |
Related shows | High School Musical: A Seleção |
Over Juacas
Each year hundreds of young applicants compete in the CAOSS surfing championship with the dream of going pro. The series was produced by Disney Channel in Brazil.
Prestaties van Juacas
In 2018, the series became available for streaming on Netflix.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Juacas
Television series by Disney.