"John Doe" and "Jane Doe" are multiple-use names that are used when the true name of a person is unknown or is being intentionally concealed. In the context of law enforcement in the United States, such names are often used to refer to a corpse whose identity is unknown or unconfirmed. Secondly, such names are also often used to refer to a hypothetical "everyman" in other contexts, in a manner similar to "John Q. Public" or "Joe Public". There are many variants to the above names, including "John Roe", "Richard Roe", "Jane Roe" and "Baby Doe", "Janie Doe" or "Johnny Doe".
Over John Doe
A man is saved from drowning off the coast of Cambodia. A case of amnesia prevents him from knowing who he is or how he got there. While he can't remember his own name, he has knowledge equal to that of a super computer. Soon he gets mixed up in solving mysteries, even though he can not figure out his own.
Prestaties van John Doe
The series was re-cast between the pilot and the show's launch. The previous cast included rock singer Meat Loaf.
Top feiten die je niet wist over John Doe
Average Joe - The terms average Joe, ordinary Joe, Joe Sixpack, Joe Lunchbucket, Joe Snuffy, Joe Schmo and ordinary Jane, average Jane, and plain Jane, are used primarily in North America to refer to a completely average person, typically an average American.. Blackacre - Blackacre, Whiteacre, Greenacre, Brownacre, and variations are the placeholder names used for fictitious estates in land.. Foo - The terms foobar, or foo and others are used as metasyntactic variables and placeholder names in computer programming or computer-related documentation.. Israel Israeli - Israel Israeli is a placeholder name used in Israel in much the same manner as John Doe in the United States or Joe Bloggs in the United Kingdom.. Joe Bloggs -"Joe Bloggs" and"Fred Bloggs" are placeholder names used primarily in the United Kingdom to represent the average man on the street. It is used by students, on standardized test preparation courses, to represent the average test-taker.. Joe Shmoe - Joe Shmoe, meaning 'Joe Anybody', or no one in particular, is one of the most commonly used fictional names in American English. Adding a"Shm" to the beginning of a word is meant to diminish, negate, or dismiss an argument. It can also indicate that the speaker is being ironic or sarcastic.. Anonymity pseudonyms.. Placeholder names.
Laatste informatie over John Doe bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.