"What Lies Below" is the 13th episode of the second season of the American science fiction drama television series Fringe. Set in a quarantined Boston office building, the episode revolves around a thousands-year-old viral hemorrhagic fever that infects and then influences its victims to attempt to spread the viral particles outside of the building. It was the third Fringe episode to be written by supervising producer Jeff Vlaming, while it was director Deran Sarafian's only credit for the series to date. After his character becomes infected, actor Joshua Jackson commented during shooting to "just imagine the worst hangover I've ever had and multiply it by ten". "What Lies Below" first aired in the United States on January 21, 2010 on the Fox network. An estimated 6.90 million viewers watched the episode, and it received mixed reviews from critics, with one calling it average and predictable.
Episode no. | Season 2, Episode 13 |
Directed by | Deran Sarafian |
Written by | Jeff Vlaming |
Production code | 3X5112 |
Over What Lies Below
A teenager becomes suspicious of her mom's new fiance because he seems to be so nice it's just... unnatural. The thriller was written and directed by Braden Duemmler.
Prestaties van What Lies Below
The movie features Yoni Robbins' single "Girls, Girls, Girls." The movie received middling reviews from critics upon release.
Top feiten die je niet wist over What Lies Below
Fictional microorganisms.. Fictional viruses.. Fringe (season 2) episodes.
Laatste informatie over What Lies Below bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.