Penguin Bloom is a 2020 drama film directed by Glendyn Ivin, from a screenplay by Shaun Grant and Harry Cripps, and is based on the book of the same name by Cameron Bloom and Bradley Trevor Greive. It stars Naomi Watts, Andrew Lincoln and Jacki Weaver. The book and film are based on a true story of Sam and Cameron Bloom's family and their interactions with an Australian magpie named 'Penguin'. It was theatrically released in Australia by Roadshow Films on 21 January 2021 and digitally in the United States by Netflix on 27 January.
Directeur | Glendyn Ivin |
Produced by | Emma Cooper, Bruna Papandrea, Steve Hutensky, Jodi Matterson, Naomi Watts |
Writer(s) | Shaun Grant, Harry Cripps |
Starring | Naomi Watts, Andrew Lincoln, Jacki Weaver, Rachel House, Leeanna Walsman, Lisa Hensley |
Music | Marcelo Zarvos |
Cinematography | Sam Chiplin |
Edited by | Maria Papoutsis |
Distributed by | Roadshow Films (Australia), Netflix, (United States) |
Released | September 12, 2020 (TIFF), January 21, 2021 (Australia), January 27, 2021 (United States) |
Running time | 95 minutes |
Country | Australia, United States |
Language | English |
Box office | $5.9 million |
Over Penguin Bloom
A photographer and his family discover hope and tranquility in the form of an injured magpie. The film was directed by Glendyn Ivin and is based on Bradley Trevor Greive's book of the same name.
Prestaties van Penguin Bloom
The movie premiered at the 2020 Toronto International Film Festival. Upon its release, it was the number one movie at Australian box offices.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Penguin Bloom
Films shot in Australia.. Australian drama films.
Laatste informatie over Penguin Bloom bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.