Terrace House is a Japanese reality television show franchise consisting of five series and one theatrical film. The show follows the lives of six strangers, three men and three women from different walks of life, who live under the same roof while getting to know and date each other. The show has received positive reviews for its earnest take on the reality TV format. Since releasing internationally the show has become a global sleeper hit and developed a cult following. The first series, subtitled Boys × Girls Next Door, originally aired on Fuji Television's "Cool TV" segment from October 12, 2012, to September 29, 2014, after which the 2015 standalone film Closing Door was released as a conclusion to the show. Subsequent series were produced as Fuji TV and Netflix co-productions, internationally premiering as a Netflix Original while also airing on Fuji Television within Japan.
Genre | Reality |
Presented by | You, Reina Triendl, Yoshimi Tokui, Azusa Babazono, Ryota Yamasato, Hiroomi Tosaka, Ayumu Mochizuki, Kentaro, Shono Hayama |
Country of origin | Japan |
Original language(s) | Japanese |
Producer(s) | Masato Maeda |
Running time | Varies |
Production company(s) | Fuji Television (2012–present), Netflix (2015–present) |
Original network | Fuji Television, Netflix |
Picture format | 1080p (16:9 HDTV) |
关于Terrace House
Japanese series about six strangers who move in together which has been labeled as a dating show. The show has included series titled Boys × Girls Next Door (2012-2014), Boys & Girls in the City (2015-2016), Aloha State (2016-2017) and Opening New Doors (2017-2019).
Terrace House的成就
The first series, Boys × Girls Next Door, originally aired on Fuji Television's "Cool TV." Subsequent series were produced as Fuji TV and Netflix co-productions.
您不知道Terrace House的热门事实
Japanese reality television series.