The Mess You Leave Behind is a Spanish thriller drama streaming television limited series created by Carlos Montero for Netflix, based on his novel of the same name. The series, starring Inma Cuesta and Bárbara Lennie, tracks a literature teacher who takes a substitute teaching position in a small fictional town in rural Galicia and learns that her predecessor died mysteriously. The series premiered on 11 December 2020 on Netflix.
Genre | Thriller, Drama |
Created by | Carlos Montero |
Written by | Carlos Montero, Javier Holgado, Andrés Seara |
Directed by | Carlos Montero, Silvia Quer, Roger Gual |
Starring | Inma Cuesta, Bárbara Lennie, Tamar Novas, Arón Piper, Roberto Enríquez |
Opening theme | "La espina de la flor en tu costado" by Xoel López |
Composer(s) | Lucio Godoy, Ricardo Curto |
Country of origin | Spain |
Original language(s) | Spanish |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 8 |
Producer(s) | Emma Lustres |
Production company(s) | Vaca Films |
Original network | Netflix |
Netflix ID | 81033361 |
Informazioni su The Mess You Leave Behind
A young literary teacher tries to mend her marriage by moving to her husband's hometown. She soon finds the rural town hides a dark and nefarious secret that she intendeds to unravel. The program was created for television by Carlos Montero.
Realizzazione di The Mess You Leave Behind
The show's original Spanish title is El desorden que dejas. The first season consists of eight episodes.
Ultime informazioni su The Mess You Leave Behind aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.