The Ponysitters Club is a Canadian children's television series that debuted on Netflix on August 10, 2018. The drama follows a group of kids who seek to protect and raise horses and ponies on a ranch dedicated to rescuing abused animals. The show is based on the book by Victoria Carson, and stars Morgan Neundorf, Madeline Leon, and Hugh Wilson. Season 2 was released a few months after the first season, on November 16, 2018. The series made its linear debut on Discovery Family on September 5, 2020.
Created by | Elizabeth Turner, Nancy Yeaman |
Directed by | Justin G. Dyck, Emma Jean Sutherland, Marco Deufemia |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 20 |
Executive producer(s) | Adriano Schmid, Beth Stevenson, Nancy Yeaman |
Running time | 22 minutes |
Production company(s) | Brain Power Studio, Discovery Kids Latin America |
Distributor | Netflix |
Original network | Netflix |
Netflix ID | 80245299 |
Informazioni su Ponysitters Club
Young horse enthusiast Skye enlists the help of her friends to care for horses, ponies and other animals on her family's ranch.
Realizzazione di Ponysitters Club
The series is based on a book by Victoria Carson. David Finley served as the show's lead writer.
Top fatti che non sapevi su Ponysitters Club
Television series about horses.
Ultime informazioni su Ponysitters Club aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.