Ibiza Weekender is a British reality television series that premiered on ITV2 on 6 January 2013. The series follows a group of 18-24 year olds spending a weekend at a hotel resort on the island of Ibiza, Spain. From series 1–3, it was titled The Magaluf Weekender, and was located at Lively Hotel in Magaluf. In 2015, for the fourth series, production was relocated to Ibiza, and the series was renamed Ibiza Weekender. The final series began broadcasting on 19 January 2020. ITV confirmed on 30 March 2020 that the programme has been axed.
Also known as | Magaluf Weekender (2013–2014) |
Genre | Reality television |
Created by | Andrew MacKenzie, David Clews, Matt Pritchard, Jonny Coller, Tom O'Brien, Hamish Fergusson, Gemma Kirby Davies |
Written by | Dom English |
Starring | Full cast list |
Narrated by | Joe Lycett (2013–19), Tom Rosenthal (2020-present) |
Country of origin | Spain |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 9 |
No. of episodes | 73 |
Producer(s) | Simon Cooper, Rob Lewis, Tom O'Brien, Gyles Neville, Melanie Darlaston |
Running time | 60 mins (inc. adverts) |
Production company(s) | Twofour and Motion Content Group |
Original network | ITV2 |
Picture format | PAL (576i) |
Audio format | Stereo |
Informazioni su Ibiza Weekender
Previously titled as The Magaluf Weekender, the British reality series would follow a group of 18-24 year olds spending a weekend in Ibiza, Spain.
Realizzazione di Ibiza Weekender
The show was renamed Ibiza Weekender for series four after the first three series took place in Magaluf, Mallorca.
Top fatti che non sapevi su Ibiza Weekender
Television shows set in Spain.. ITV reality television programmes.
Ultime informazioni su Ibiza Weekender aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.