F is for Family is an American adult animated streaming television series created by Bill Burr and Michael Price for Netflix. The show is produced by Gaumont International Television and Vince Vaughn's Wild West Television. The show follows a dysfunctional suburban Irish-American family, and is set in the fictional town of Rustvale, Pennsylvania in the early-mid 1970s. The show premiered on December 18, 2015, to generally favorable reviews. In October 2020, the series was renewed for the fifth and final season.
Genre | Adult animation, Animated sitcom, Comedy-drama, Black comedy, Satire |
Created by | Bill Burr, Michael Price |
Voices of | Bill Burr, Laura Dern, Justin Long, Debi Derryberry, Sam Rockwell, Haley Reinhart, Mo Collins, Trevor Devall, Kevin Michael Richardson |
Opening theme | "Come and Get Your Love" by Redbone |
Composer(s) | Vincent Jones, Dave Kushner |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 4 |
No. of episodes | 36 |
Executive producer(s) | Vince Vaughn, Peter Billingsley, Bill Burr, Michael Price, Katie O'Connell, Elisa Todd Ellis, Sidonie Dumas, Christophe Riandee |
Producer(s) | Heath Kenny, Brian J. Cowan |
Running time | 25–29 minutes |
Production company(s) | Wild West Television, Loner Productions, Big Jump Productions, King of France Productions, Oasis Animation, Gaumont Animation |
Distributor | Gaumont International Television, Netflix |
Original network | Netflix |
Netflix ID | 80028732 |
Informazioni su F is for Family
Raunchy animated comedy about a family in the 1970s during a simpler time. The show was created by Bill Burr and Michael Price.
Realizzazione di F is for Family
Joe Buck and TJ Miller have both guest starred on the show. Vince Vaughn served as an executive producer on the show.
Top fatti che non sapevi su F is for Family
Television series by Gaumont International Television.. Gaumont Animation.. Television series set in the 1970s.
Ultime informazioni su F is for Family aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.