Cupcake Wars is an American reality competition series that premiered on December 27, 2009, on cable television network Food Network. The show, which is based on creating unique and professional-style cupcakes, was hosted by Justin Willman and is now hosted by Jonathan Bennett. The show is similar to successful Chopped cooking show aired on the same network, in that it starts with four contestants who are eliminated one-by-one in three rounds, with the winning team receiving $10,000 and the opportunity to be featured in an upcoming event. Each team consists of a chef and a sous-chef.
Genre | Reality television, Cooking show |
Presented by | Justin Willman (2009-2013), Jonathan Bennett (2016-2018) |
Judges | Candace Nelson (2009-2013), Florian Bellanger (2009-2018), Waylynn Lucas (2016-2018) |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 11 |
No. of episodes | 137 |
Producer(s) | Adam Cohen, Cara Tapper, Joanna Vernetti |
Running time | 1 hour |
Original network | Food Network |
Informazioni su Cupcake Wars
Baking competition show where four bakers make the best cupcakes they can in order to win $10,000. The show has been hosted by Justin Willman and Jonathan Bennett.
Realizzazione di Cupcake Wars
Waylynn Lucas and Florian Bellanger have both served as judges on the show. Candace Nelson left the show in 2013 after serving as a judge.
Top fatti che non sapevi su Cupcake Wars
Cake Wars - Cake Wars is an American reality competition series that was first broadcast on June 29, 2015, and aired on the cable TV channel Food Network. Jonathan Bennett hosted the competition, where four bakers face off to have their cakes featured in a special event, in addition to a $10,000 prize.. Food reality television series.
Ultime informazioni su Cupcake Wars aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.