The Pink Panther is an American media franchise primarily focusing on a series of comedy-mystery films featuring an inept French police detective, Inspector Jacques Clouseau. The franchise began with the release of the classic Pink Panther film in 1963. The role of Clouseau was originated by, and is most closely associated with, Peter Sellers. Most of the films were written and directed by Blake Edwards, with theme music composed by Henry Mancini. Elements and characters inspired by the films were adapted into other media, including books, comic books and animated series. The first film in the series derives its name from the eponymous pink diamond that has an enormous size and value. The diamond is called the "Pink Panther" because the flaw at its centre, when viewed closely, is said to resemble a leaping pink panther. The phrase reappears in the title of the fourth film The Return of the Pink Panther, in which the theft of the diamond is again the centre of the plot.
Creator | Maurice Richlin, Blake Edwards |
Original work | The Pink Panther (1963) |
Owner | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (sale to Amazon pending) |
Short films | See and |
Animated series | The Pink Panther Show (1969–1980), Pink Panther and Sons (1984–1985), The Pink Panther (1993–1996), Pink Panther and Pals (2010) |
Television specials | The Pink Panther in: A Pink Christmas (1978), The Pink Panther in: Olym-Pinks (1980), The Pink Panther in: Pink at First Sight (1981), A Very Pink Christmas (2011) |
Video games | Pink Panther (1988), Pink Goes to Hollywood (1993), The Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (1996), The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink (1998), Pink Panther: Pinkadelic Pursuit (2002) |
Original music | "The Pink Panther Theme", "Meglio stasera" |
Informazioni su The Pink Panther
Original film that launched the Pink Panther media franchise. It centers on the inept Inspector Clouseau who travels to Rome to catch a jewel thief looking to steal a princess' priceless diamond known as "The Pink Panther."
Realizzazione di The Pink Panther
In 2010, the film was preserved by the Library of Congress as part of its National Film Registry. It launched a franchise that included short films, animated series, numerous sequels and a reboot film series starring Steve Martin as the famous inspector.
Top fatti che non sapevi su The Pink Panther
The Pink Panther Category.. "Pink Panthers", which was the name given by Interpol to a group of Montenegrin thieves who successfully executed several jewel heists starting in 1993.. 'The Pink Panthers ', a name used for several different LGBT rights organizations in North America since the 1970s.. Film series.
Ultime informazioni su The Pink Panther aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.