The Peanuts Movie is a 2015 American computer-animated comedy film based on Charles M. Schulz's comic strip Peanuts, produced by Blue Sky Studios and distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is the fifth full-length Peanuts film, and the first in 35 years. The film is directed by Steve Martino from a screenplay by Craig and Bryan Schulz, and Cornelius Uliano, and stars the voices of Noah Schnapp as Charlie Brown and, via archival recordings, Bill Melendez as Snoopy and Woodstock. The film sees Charlie Brown trying to improve his odds with the Little Red-Haired Girl, while Snoopy writes a book about the World War I Flying Ace as he imagines himself as a legend trying to save his love interest and fellow pilot Fifi from the Red Baron and his army. Development of the film began in 2006, six years after the death of Charles Schulz and the final release of the last Peanuts comic strip. Craig Schulz, the son of Charles, pitched a film idea to his son, Bryan Schulz.
Director | Steve Martino |
Produced by | Craig Schulz, Bryan Schulz, Cornelius Uliano, Paul Feig, Michael J. Travers |
Screenplay by | Craig Schulz, Bryan Schulz, Cornelius Uliano |
Starring | Noah Schnapp, Hadley Belle Miller, Mariel Sheets, Alex Garfin, Francesca Angelucci Capaldi, Troy "Trombone Shorty" Andrews, Kristin Chenoweth, Bill Melendez |
Music | Christophe Beck |
Cinematography | Renato Falcão |
Edited by | Randy Trager |
Distributed by | 20th Century Fox |
Released | November 1, 2015 (New York City premiere), November 6, 2015 (United States) |
Running time | 88 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $99 million |
Box office | $246.2 million |
Netflix ID | 80057058 |
Informazioni su The Peanuts Movie
Based on characters from the classic comic strip, this film follows Charlie Brown on his quest to win the love of his life.
Realizzazione di The Peanuts Movie
The noises for Snoopy and Woodstock are recycled from the Bill Melendez recordings. The film is the first Peanuts film to use computer-generated imagery.
Top fatti che non sapevi su The Peanuts Movie
Peanuts filmography - This is a list of adaptations in film, television, musical theater, and video games, based on characters from the Peanuts comic strip by Charles M. Schulz.. Blue Sky Studios films.. Peanuts films.. Films directed by Steve Martino.. 20th Century Fox animated films.. Films based on American comics.. American computer-animated films.. 2010s American animated films.. Animated comedy films.
Ultime informazioni su The Peanuts Movie aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.