The Land Before Time is an American children's franchise of animated adventure films by Universal Pictures centered on dinosaurs. The series began in 1988 with the eponymous The Land Before Time, directed and produced by Don Bluth and executive produced by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. It was followed by 13 direct-to-video musical sequels, a TV series, video games, soundtracks, and related merchandising. Neither the sequels nor the series involve the participation of Bluth, Lucas, or Spielberg. All 14 films were released as a Complete Collection DVD set on June 14, 2016.
Creator | Judy Freudberg, Tony Geiss |
Original work | The Land Before Time (1988) |
Owner | Universal Pictures |
Films | The Land Before Time (1988), The Great Valley Adventure (1994), The Time of the Great Giving (1995), Journey Through the Mists (1996), The Mysterious Island (1997), The Secret of Saurus Rock (1998), The Stone of Cold Fire (2000), The Big Freeze (2001), Journey to Big Water (2002), The Great Longneck Migration (2003), Invasion of the Tinysauruses (2005), The Great Day of the Flyers (2006), The Wisdom of Friends (2007), Journey of the Brave (2016) |
Animated series | The Land Before Time (2007–2008) |
Video games | See |
Soundtracks | The Land Before Time: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (1990), The Land Before Time: Sing-Along Songs (1997), The Songs from The Land Before Time (1997), The Land Before Time: More Sing-Along Songs (1999), The Best Songs from The Land Before Time (2016) |
Toys | Various |
Informazioni su The Land Before Time
An orphaned brontosaurus teams up with young dinosaurs to reunite with their families. The American-Irish adventure film was executive produced by Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall.
Realizzazione di The Land Before Time
The film spawned a franchise that would include thirteen direct-to-video sequels and a television series.
Top fatti che non sapevi su The Land Before Time
The Land Before Time Category.. Dinosaurs in fiction.. Animated film series.
Ultime informazioni su The Land Before Time aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.