Mamaboy is a 2017 comedy film that was directed by Aaron Leong and written and produced by Rick Kuebler. The film stars Sean O'Donnell as a teenager who decides to undergo an experimental procedure that enables him to carry his girlfriend's baby to term.
Director | Aaron Leong |
Produced by | Rick Kuebler, Brandy Bianchini, Laura Chick, Terry Kuebler, Jonathan Morken |
Starring | Gary Busey, Stephen Tobolowsky, Alexandria DeBerry, Dylan Riley Snyder, Michael Eric Reid |
Music | John Flanagan |
Cinematography | David M. Brewer |
Edited by | Ian Webb |
Production, company | My Heros Productions |
Released | April 01, 2017 |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Informazioni su Mamaboy
A high school teenager undergoes a procedure that allows him to carry his girlfriend's baby to term.
Realizzazione di Mamaboy
Much of the film was shot at Ponderosa High School in Shingle Springs, California.