Everwood is an American drama television series created by Greg Berlanti. Berlanti, Mickey Liddell, Rina Mimoun, Andrew A. Ackerman and Michael Green served as executive producers. The series aired on The WB from September 16, 2002 to June 5, 2006 with a total of 89 episodes spanning four seasons. It was co-produced by Berlanti-Liddell Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television. The series begins with Dr. Andy Brown, played by Treat Williams, who moves his family to the fictional small town of Everwood, Colorado after the death of his wife. The series also stars Gregory Smith, Vivien Cardone, Emily VanCamp, Chris Pratt, Debra Mooney, Stephanie Niznik, John Beasley and Tom Amandes. The pilot was filmed in Calgary and Canmore, Alberta as well as Denver, Colorado; after that, series filming took place in Ogden, South Salt Lake, Draper, and Park City, Utah. The series concluded on June 5, 2006.
Genre | Drama |
Created by | Greg Berlanti |
Starring | Treat Williams, Gregory Smith, Emily VanCamp, Debra Mooney, John Beasley, Vivien Cardone, Chris Pratt, Stephanie Niznik, Merrilyn Gann, Tom Amandes, Nora Zehetner, Sarah Lancaster, Marcia Cross, Scott Wolf, Sarah Drew, Anne Heche, Justin Baldoni, Jan Broberg Felt |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 4 |
No. of episodes | 89 |
Executive producer(s) | Greg Berlanti, Mickey Liddell, Rina Mimoun, Andrew A. Ackerman, Michael Green |
Running time | 42–45 minutes |
Production company(s) | Berlanti-Liddell Productions, Warner Bros. Television |
Distributor | Warner Bros. Television Distribution |
Original network | The WB |
À propos de Everwood
Dr. Andy Brown loses his wife and decides to move his family to the fictional town of Everwood. He chooses the town because his wife said she felt a connection to the place.
Réalisation de Everwood
The show ended in 2006 after 4 seasons. It was nominated for two Emmys including Outstanding Main Title Theme Music in 2003 and Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series in 2004.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Everwood
Television shows set in Utah.. Television shows filmed in Utah.. Films shot in Salt Lake City.. Television shows set in Colorado.
Dernières informations sur Everwood mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.