American Soul is an American musical drama television series, created by Jonathan Prince and Devon Greggory, that premiered on February 5, 2019, on BET. The series tells the story of Don Cornelius and the creation of his legendary music and dance program Soul Train and it stars an ensemble cast including Sinqua Walls, Jason Dirden, Iantha Richardson, Christopher Jefferson, Katlyn Nichol, Jelani Winston, and Kelly Price. In April 2019, it was renewed for a second season and premiered on May 27, 2020.
Genre | Drama, Thriller |
Created by | Jonathan Prince, Dorian Gregory |
Starring | Sinqua Walls, Jason Dirden, Iantha Richardson, Christopher Jefferson, Katlyn Nichol, Jelani Winston, Kelly Price, India McGee, Perri L. Camper, Christopher B. Duncan |
Composer(s) | Kurt Farquhar |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 18 |
Executive producer(s) | Tony Cornelius, Peter O'Fallon, Jonathan Prince, Dorian Gregory, Alfonso Delgado, Kenneth Edmonds, (season 2) |
Producer(s) | James Bigwood, Carl Craig |
Location(s) | Atlanta, Georgia, Los Angeles |
Cinematography | Richard Vialet |
Editor(s) | Jacques Gravett, Jamin Bricker |
Camera setup | Single-camera |
Running time | 39–42 minutes |
Production company(s) | Once A Frog Entertainment, Inphiniti Entertainment, Philoment Media, Jesse Collins Entertainment |
Original network | BET |
À propos de American Soul
Biographical account of entrepreneur Don Cornelius and the rise to prominence of the series he developed, Soul Train.
Réalisation de American Soul
The series was created by Jonathan Prince and Devon Greggory. Guest stars of the series include Michelle Williams as Diana Ross, Bobby Brown as Rufus Thomas, Gabrielle Dennis as Tina Turner, McKinley Freeman as Ike Turner and K Michelle as Martha Reeves.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur American Soul
Soul Train.. Television series set in the 1970s.
Dernières informations sur American Soul mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.