Rufus 2 is an American comedy television film that aired on January 16, 2017. It's a sequel to the movie Rufus The film features a new character, Kat played by Jade Pettyjohn, who co-stars in the Nickelodeon School of Rock series where she stars as Summer. The movie attracted a total of 2.9 million viewers at its premiere.
Genre | Action, Comedy |
Written by | Bill Motz, Bob Ruth |
Directed by | Savage Steve Holland |
Starring | Jace Norman, Davis Cleveland, Haley Tju, Jade Pettyjohn |
Music by | Zack Ryan |
Country of origin | United States, Canada |
Original language(s) | English |
Executive producer(s) | Scott McAboy, Michael Sammaciccia |
Producer(s) | Amy Sydorick |
Cinematography | Tom Harting |
Editor(s) | Damon Fecht |
Running time | 46 minutes |
Production company(s) | Pacific Bay Entertainment, Nickelodeon Movies |
Distributor | Nickelodeon Network |
Original network | Nickelodeon |
Preceded by | "Rufus |
À propos de Rufus-2
Nickelodeon original movie in which a dog named Rufus turns into a human and meets a girl named Kat who in actuality is a cat.
Réalisation de Rufus-2
It is a sequel to the Nickelodeon original movie Rufus which also starred Jace Norman, Davis Cleveland and Haley Tju.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Rufus-2
Nickelodeon Movies.. Action comedy films.
Dernières informations sur Rufus-2 mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.