Slugterra is an animated television series created by Asaph Fipke. The series was produced by the Canadian animation studio Nerd Corps Entertainment, a subsidiary of DHX Media. It premiered on Disney XD on September 3, 2012 and began broadcasts in the United States the following month. The Online premiere was on Netflix on 2016. Several products tied to the series have been released, including both action figures and video games.
Genre | Action, Adventure, Science fiction |
Created by | Asaph Fipke |
Developed by | Asaph Fipke, Rob Hoegee |
Written by | Asaph Fipke, Todd Garfield, Ken Pontac, Rob Hoegee, Scott Sonneborn |
Directed by | Johnny Darrell, Sebastian Brodin, Blair Simmons, Daniel Ife, Clint Butler |
Voices of | Sam Vincent, Andrew Francis, Lee Tockar, Shannon Chan-Kent, Mark Oliver, Brian Drummond |
Composer(s) | Brian Carson |
Country of origin | United States, Canada |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 6 |
No. of episodes | 63 |
Executive producer(s) | Asaph Fipke, Chuck Johnson, Ken Faier, Rob Hoegee |
Producer(s) | Asaph Fipke |
Location(s) | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada |
Running time | 22 minutes |
Production company(s) | Nerd Corps Entertainment |
Original network | Disney XD/Netflix |
Official Website | |
Acerca de Slugterra
A young man is determined to be the greatest Slugslinging hero of all. But in order to defeat the forces of evil, he must collect, train and duel with little critters called slugs. The animated series was created by Asaph Fipke.
Los logros de Slugterra
The program ran for a total of 63 episodes over the course of its six season run. The show's popularity spawned merchandise such as action figures and video games.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Slugterra
Fictional gastropods.. Dueling.. 2010s Canadian animated television series.. Television series by DHX Media.. 2010s American animated television series.
Información más reciente sobre Slugterra actualizada el 27 de Enero, 2022.