Love on the Spectrum is an Australian reality television show that follows people on the autism spectrum as they explore the dating world. The show is produced by Northern Pictures for the ABC TV, and currently available to stream on ABC iview and Netflix. The show is co-created by Cian O'Clery, who got the idea for the series after working on Employable Me about people with different disabilities trying to find employment.
Genre | Reality show |
Created by | Cian O'Clery |
Directed by | Cian O'Clery |
Country of origin | Australia |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 9 |
Running time | 58 minutes |
Production company(s) | Northern Pictures |
Original network | ABC TV |
Netflix ID | 81265493 |
Acerca de Love on the Spectrum
Reality television series that follows seven young adults on the autism spectrum who dive head first into the dating world. The series was created by Cian O'Clery who also directs the majority of episodes.
Los logros de Love on the Spectrum
The show's success spawned an American adaptation called, Love on the Spectrum U.S.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Love on the Spectrum
Employable Me (Australian TV series) - Employable Me is an Australian television documentary series that features job-seekers who show that having a physical disability or neurological condition does not make them unemployable.. Autism in Love - Autism in Love is an American documentary film released in 2015.. The Undateables - The Undateables was a British reality television series that follows a range of people on dates who have long term conditions, including: disabilities, developmental disorders, and learning difficulties.
Información más reciente sobre Love on the Spectrum actualizada el 22 de Enero, 2023.