Best of Luck Nikki is an Indian sitcom, that originally aired on Disney Channel India from April 3, 2011, to April 16, 2016. The series is an adaptation of the American series Good Luck Charlie, with a plot that is similar to the American version. The series was created by Phil Baker and Drew Vaupen, who aimed to create a program that would appeal to all the members of a family rather than simply to children and teens. It revolves around a family, the Singhs, as they try to adjust to the birth of their fourth child, Nikki. In each episode, Dolly Singh, the character of the older sister, creates a video blog diary containing advices for Nikki about 'surviving' their family and life as a teenager. Dolly tries to show Nikki what she might go through in the diary so she will always know how to figure things out. In the third season of the show, Nikki's younger sibling Bobby is born. In the fourth season Himani is again pregnant with a kid who is later named Kritika in the last episode.
Genre | Sitcom |
Created by | Phil Baker, Drew Vaupen |
Directed by | David Polycarp, Vasant Valsan |
Starring | Sheena Bajaj, Gurdeep Punj, Gireesh Sahedev, Murtuza Kutianawala, Aakash Nair, Anannya Kolvankar, Lakshay Dhamija |
Theme music composer | Jeanne Lurie, Chen Neeman, Aris Archontis |
Opening theme | Aaja Sang Baby |
Composer(s) | Stephen R. Phillips & Tim P. |
Country of origin | India |
Original language(s) | Hindi |
No. of seasons | 4 |
No. of episodes | 103 episodes + 6 Specials |
Executive producer(s) | Phil Baker, Drew Vaupen |
Running time | 20–30 minutes (approx.) |
Production company(s) | The Company |
Distributor | Disney India Media Networks, Disney–ABC Domestic Television |
Original network | Disney Channel (India) |
Related shows | Good Luck Charlie |
Acerca de Best of Luck Nikki
A girl records vlogs about her life based on what happened in that day's episode. The show is an Indian adaptation of Good Luck Charlie.
Los logros de Best of Luck Nikki
The show ran for four seasons and aired a total of 104 episodes. Shaheer Sheikh and Kishan Savjani have both guest starred on the show.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Best of Luck Nikki
Television shows set in Delhi.. Television series by Disney.
Información más reciente sobre Best of Luck Nikki actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.