Speed Racer, also known as Mach GoGoGo, is a Japanese media franchise about automobile racing. Mach GoGoGo was originally serialized in print in Shueisha's 1966 Shōnen Book. It was released in tankōbon book form by Sun Wide Comics and later re-released in Japan by Fusosha. Adapted into anime by Tatsunoko Productions, its 52 episodes aired on Fuji TV from April 1967 to March 1968. The anime was later re-broadcast on Tokyo MX from July 1 to September 25, 2008. Selected chapters of the manga were released by NOW Comics in the 1990s under the title Speed Racer Classics. These were later released by Wildstorm Productions, a division of DC Comics, as Speed Racer: The Original Manga. In 2008, under its Americanized title, Speed Racer, Mach GoGoGo was republished in its entirety in the United States by Digital Manga Publishing and was released as a box set to commemorate the franchise's 40th anniversary, as well as serving as a tie-in with the 2008 film.
Acerca de Speed Racer
Wachowski siblings film about a young driver who strives to become the champion of the racing world. Based on the 1960s Japanese manga comics series, this was the first live-action telling of the Speed Racer series.
Los logros de Speed Racer
An American Speed Racer comic book series was created by NOW Comics in 1985 and an American TV series called The New Adventures of Speed Racer began airing in 1993.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Speed Racer
Speed Racer Category.. Asahi Sonorama manga.. 1960s Japanese television series.. Fusosha Publishing manga.. Fictional racing drivers.. Westinghouse Broadcasting.. NOW Comics titles.. Children's manga.. Television series by Lionsgate Television.. Digital Manga Publishing titles.. Shueisha manga.. Shogakukan manga.
Información más reciente sobre Speed Racer actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.