Secret of the Wings is a 2012 computer-animated fantasy film, and the fourth installment in the Disney Fairies franchise, produced by DisneyToon Studios. It revolves around Tinker Bell, a fairy character created by J. M. Barrie in his 1904 play, Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up, and featured in subsequent adaptations, especially in Disney's animated works, and how she ventures to the Winter Woods and meets her twin sister, Periwinkle, who is a frost fairy. The film was directed by Peggy Holmes and co-directed by Bobs Gannaway. Starring the voices of Mae Whitman, Lucy Liu, Megan Hilty, Raven-Symoné and Angela Bartys, it also features new cast members who include Matt Lanter, Timothy Dalton, Lucy Hale and Debby Ryan, while Anjelica Huston narrates.
Director | Peggy Holmes |
Produced by | Makul Wigert |
Screenplay by | Bobs Gannaway, Peggy Holmes, Ryan Rowe, Tom Rogers |
Starring | Mae Whitman, Lucy Hale, Lucy Liu, Raven-Symoné, Megan Hilty, Angela Bartys, Timothy Dalton |
Narrator | Anjelica Huston |
Music | Joel McNeely |
Edited by | Mark Rosenbaum |
Production, company | DisneyToon Studios |
Distributed by | Walt Disney Studios, Home Entertainment, (DVD), Walt Disney Studios, Motion Pictures, (Theatrical) |
Released | August 16, 2012 (Ukraine), August 31, 2012 (United States (limited)), October 23, 2012 (DVD release) |
Running time | 75 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $30—35 million |
Box office | $67.5 million |
Netflix ID | 70264333 |
Acerca de Secret of the Wings
The fourth installment of the Disney Fairies franchise built around the beloved character Tinker Bell. In this film, Tinker Bell teams up with Periwinkle to unite two different groups of fairies.
Los logros de Secret of the Wings
The U.S. theatrical release was limited but the film grossed $51 million worldwide as it was released wide in several other countries.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Secret of the Wings
2010s computer-animated films.. Tinker Bell films.. DisneyToon Studios animated films.. Disney direct-to-video animated films.. Films set in Norway.. Films set in Scotland.. 2010s American animated films.
Información más reciente sobre Secret of the Wings actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.