Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas is a 1999 direct-to-video animated Christmas anthology comedy fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. The film includes three features: Donald Duck: Stuck on Christmas, A Very Goofy Christmas and Mickey and Minnie's Gift of the Magi. Other Disney characters also make cameos in the film. The film won the Award for Best Animated Feature Film at the 5th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival in 1999. A sequel, titled Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas, was released in 2004.
Director | Alex Mann, Bradley Raymond, Jun Falkenstein, Bill Speers, Toby Shelton |
Screenplay by | Charlie Cohen, Thomas Hart, Scott Gorden, Tom Nance, Carter Crocker, Richard Cray, Temple Mathews, Eddie Guzelian |
Starring | Wayne Allwine, Russi Taylor, Tony Anselmo, Diane Michelle, Tress MacNeille, Alan Young, Bill Farmer, Corey Burton, Shaun Fleming, Jim Cummings, Jeff Bennett, Gregg Berger, Kylie Dempsey, Taylor Dempsey, Andrew McDonaugh, Pat Musick, Frank Welker, Mae Whitman, April Winchell |
Narrator | Kelsey Grammer |
Music | J. Eric Schmidt |
Edited by | Elen Orson |
Production, company | Walt Disney Television Animation |
Distributed by | Walt Disney Home Video |
Released | November 9, 1999 |
Running time | 66 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Netflix ID | 22015922 |
Acerca de Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas
Animated feature split into three smaller tales including "A Very Goofy Christmas" and "Mickey and Minnie's Gift of the Magi." The film was narrated by Frasier actor Kelsey Grammer.
Los logros de Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas
The movie won the Best Animated Feature award at the 1999 Kecskemét Animation Film Festival.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas
Donald Duck films.. Mickey Mouse films.. Goofy (Disney) films.. Adaptations of works by O. Henry.. DisneyToon Studios animated films.. Disney direct-to-video animated films.. Time loop films.. Santa Claus in film.. American anthology films.. 1990s American animated films.. Animated comedy films.
Información más reciente sobre Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.