Pop Team Epic, also known as Poptepipic, is a Japanese four-panel surreal comedy webcomic and digital manga series written and illustrated by Bkub Okawa, which started serialization on Takeshobo's Manga Life Win website in August 2014. Takeshobo has released three volumes in Japan. The manga is licensed in North America by Vertical. The manga chronicles the misadventures of two 14-year-old girls named Popuko and Pipimi, who encounter a variety of both mundane and bizarre situations and respond to them in equally bizarre and exaggerated ways. The manga is noted for its frequent parodies of pop culture and its combination of surrealism, absurdity, and non-sequitur, all of which have contributed to it developing a cult following among both Japanese and Western audiences. An anime television series adaptation animated by Kamikaze Douga and produced by King Records aired between January and March 2018; two additional episodes aired in April 2019.
Über Pop Team Epic
Also known as Poptepipic, the surreal comedy chronicled the misadventures of two profane young teenage girls.
Pop Team Epic Erfolg
The anime series was animated by Kamikaze Douga. It aired between January and March of 2018.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Pop Team Epic nicht wussten
Takeshobo manga.. Yonkoma.. Toonami.. Japanese webcomics.. Webcomics in print.. Sentai Filmworks.
Aktuelle Informationen über Pop Team Epic wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.