Lost Girl is a Canadian supernatural drama television series that premiered on Showcase on September 12, 2010, and ran for five seasons. It follows the life of a bisexual succubus named Bo, played by Anna Silk, as she learns to control her superhuman abilities, help those in need, and discover the truth about her origins. The series was created by Michelle Lovretta and produced by Jay Firestone and Prodigy Pictures Inc., with the participation of the Canadian Television Fund, and in association with Shaw Media. Following good ratings and positive reviews, it was renewed for a second season on November 12, 2010, with the episodes order afterwards increased to 22 episodes; a third season on December 9, 2011; a fourth season on February 28, 2013; and a fifth on February 27, 2014. On August 25, 2014, Showcase announced that the fifth season would be the last, with the original 13-episode order increased to 16 final episodes. The series' finale episode aired on October 25, 2015.
Genre | Supernatural, Drama, Fantasy |
Created by | Michelle Lovretta |
Developed by | Jay Firestone, Prodigy Pictures Inc. |
Starring | Anna Silk, Kris Holden-Ried, Ksenia Solo, K. C. Collins, Zoie Palmer, Rick Howland, Cle Bennett, Emmanuelle Vaugier, Rachel Skarsten |
Theme music composer | Jody Colero, Marco DiFelice, Benjamin Pinkerton |
Country of origin | Canada |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 5 |
No. of episodes | 77 |
Executive producer(s) | Jay Firestone, Paul Rapovski, Plato Fountidakis, Vanessa Piazza, Michelle Lovretta (Season 1), Peter Mohan (Season 1), Jeremy Boxen (Season 2), Grant Rosenberg (Season 2), Emily Andras (Season 3, 4), Michael Grassi (Season 5) |
Producer(s) | Wanda Chaffey, Wendy Grean |
Running time | 44 minutes |
Production company(s) | Prodigy Pictures Inc. in association with Shaw Media (Showcase) |
Distributor | Sony Pictures Television (non-US) |
Original network | Showcase |
Picture format | HDTV 1080i |
Über Lost Girl
After a disastrous sexual encounter leaves her partner dead Bo discovers that she is a succubus, a demon that feasts on human sexual energy. The series follows her search for the truth behind her origins.
Lost Girl Erfolg
The show ran for a total of 77 episodes during its five season run. The program was created by Michelle Lovretta.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Lost Girl nicht wussten
Lost Girl Category.. Bisexuality-related television series.. Canadian fantasy television series.. Television series by Corus Entertainment.. Television series produced in Toronto.
Aktuelle Informationen über Lost Girl wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.