Hector J. Peabody, simply referred to as Mr. Peabody, is an anthropomorphic cartoon dog who appeared in the late 1950s and early 1960s television animated series The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, produced by Jay Ward. Peabody appeared in the "Peabody's Improbable History" segments created by Ted Key, and was voiced by Bill Scott. In 2014, he was featured in a computer-animated film, Mr. Peabody & Sherman. From 2015 to 2017, he appeared in a television series based on the film. Mr. Peabody's first name is never given or referred to in the cartoons, but in an animated promotion for the Rocky & Bullwinkle Savings Stamp Club he tells Sherman that it is "Hector".
First appearance | 1959 |
Created by | Ted Key |
Voiced by | Bill Scott (1959–1960), Dan Castellaneta (1994, The Simpsons), Jeff Bennett (1998), Matthew Senreich (2013, Robot Chicken), Ty Burrell (2014), Chris Parnell (2015–present) |
Species | Dog |
Gender | Male |
Relatives | Sherman (pet boy) |
Nationality | American |
Über Mr. Peabody & Sherman
An intelligent dog and his adopted son travel through time and try to fix a mistake in the space time continuum.
Mr. Peabody & Sherman Erfolg
Robert Downey Jr., Kelsey Grammer, and Geoffrey Rush were considered for the role of Mr. Peabody which later went to Ty Burrell. Ty Burrell and Ariel Winter also work together on the TV show, Modern Family.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Mr. Peabody & Sherman nicht wussten
Rocky and Bullwinkle characters.. Anthropomorphic dogs.. Time travelers.. Fictional inventors.. Fictional scientists.. Fictional businesspeople.
Aktuelle Informationen über Mr. Peabody & Sherman wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.