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  1. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Well...think about all them there tax benefits (federal fucking/State) that one will enjoy due to being married....and some death benefits that could be lost.
    1. stumbler
      How about interracial marriage? According to you states can go back to outlawing that as well.
      stumbler, Jul 17, 2022
    2. ace's n 8's
      Not according to me fella...if States choose to do that...so be it...if you dont like it..move.
      ace's n 8's, Jul 17, 2022
    3. HisBabyGirl
      If they rescind interracial marriage, Justice Thomas is screwed, now isn't he?
      HisBabyGirl, Jul 17, 2022
  2. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    See, the thing is, a couple can be married now without benefit of state permission, or for that matter, civil ceremony.

    It's called common law marriage, and all it takes is living together for a time, presenting themselves as man and wife, intending people to accept you as married, or some other goofy stuff Shooter doesn't recall right now. Basically, if the two of you decide you're married and tell the world you're married, you're married.

    The civil ceremony isn't required, and the states permission isn't required.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. ace's n 8's
      are you saying, had the 'partner' and 'family' been allowed to visit...she'd be alive today?
      ace's n 8's, Jul 18, 2022
    3. stumbler
      These complications occur even when couples have proof of their relationships. In Missouri, Roger Gorley was removed from his partner’s bedside in April 2013 even though he was in a civil union with the patient, Allen Mansell, and had a health care proxy for visitation. When Mansell’s family members objected to Gorley’s visit, hospital staff called the police, who arrested Gorley and escorted him out of the hospital.
      stumbler, Jul 18, 2022
    4. anon_de_plume
      Did you make a choice to be straight?

      And this is you being an unqualified non-medical asshole. Homosexuality has not been considered a disorder by the medical profession for a long time now. It was back in 1973.
      anon_de_plume, Jul 19, 2022
      stumbler likes this.
    5. ace's n 8's
      Just not a fan of having a dick in my mouth...

      I was just asking questions here...why did you get so triggered here sugar plum?...cant ask questions now?
      ace's n 8's, Jul 19, 2022
    6. anon_de_plume
      I did ask a question. And you not wanting a dick in your mouth goes more to your sexuality being inborn, and not a choice.

      And yes, you are being an asshole in your questioning...
      anon_de_plume, Jul 19, 2022
      stumbler likes this.
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    The Ohio attorney general has a history of demanding children who have been raped to give birth

    Sarah K. Burris
    July 17, 2022

    Screen cap / Twitter

    Ohio Attorney General David Yost, a Republican, was issued a cease and desist letter after spreading lies about a doctor who helped a 10-year-old rape survivor who was impregnated.

    Yost falsely said that the story was a lie. Once it was then proved to be true and the alleged rapist confessed, Yost then falsely said that the doctor didn't report the rape. In fact, the doctor reported the rape less than 48 hours later.

    Reporter and women's rights expert Jessica Valenti pointed out that Yost has a history of this kind of behavior.

    In 2019, Yost sought to ban an 11-year-old rape survivor from having access to an abortion as well.

    "Sometimes, the evolution of the law requires bold steps," Yost said, in a statement to CBS News. "In the last 46 years, the practice of medicine has changed. Science has changed. Even the point of viability has changed. Only the law has lagged behind."

    At the time, a police report for the 11-year-old cited a "pregnancy care center," which are often designed to talk women out of abortions. The police report quoted them blaming the 11-year-old rape survivor for the incident saying, she was "rebellious" and "refuses to listen to her mother."

    1. shootersa
      You got a source for that?
      shootersa, Jul 18, 2022
    2. shootersa
      Apparently the american hater has no further source for his ambush claim that the Ohio Attorney General in 2019 opposed an abortion for an 11 year old.
      Not surprising. Shooter went looking for such a story and the only place he found any reference was in wrong story. You know, as american hater calls it, liberal porn.

      Talk about lying hypocrites..................
      shootersa, Jul 19, 2022
  4. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    Abort all Black babies, every other Hispanic one, and 1/3 of white ones, and eventually we can get crime under control!
    1. submissively speaking
      And there it is.

      Dang it, hate it when the rank & file say the quiet parts out loud, eh?

      He’s all yours, be proud.
    2. shootersa
      shootersa, Jul 18, 2022
    3. FuntimeFla
      Yeah, the truth hurts you all doesn't it? But you know it as well as I do!
      FuntimeFla, Jul 19, 2022
    4. shootersa
      No, funtime, your truth doesn't hurt, it just makes Shooter feel sorry for you.
      It's just a color dude, get out and enjoy life and quit looking for a boogey man.
      shootersa, Jul 19, 2022
  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    As medical providers point out since the Texas law allows vigilantes to sue them for abortions its a lose lose situation. Yes the doctor may be able to prove the fetus was already dead. But they would still have to dist up their practice and pay all their legal bills themselves. So its not worth it to them to perform the necessary medical procedures even though the woman is suffering, could lose her ability to get pregnant again and/or even die.

    Texas mom went through 'nightmare' after being denied treatment for miscarriage: CNN

    Brad Reed
    July 18, 2022

    Marlena Stell (Screen cap via CNN)

    CNN on Monday profiled a mother in Texas who went through what the network described as a "nightmare" after being denied treatment after suffering a miscarriage because her doctor feared being sued under Texas's anti-abortion law.

    In an interview with CNN, Texas mom Marlena Stell explained that her suffered a miscarriage after becoming pregnant last year, but that her doctor would not perform an operation to remove the dead fetus from her body because they could be targeted by anti-abortion activists who have been empowered by a law passed last year that allows ordinary citizens to sue anyone who helps in delivering an abortion.

    Stell said the fetus stuck inside her was causing her increasing pain to the point where she had difficulty walking. She eventually found a doctor willing to perform the procedure to remove it, but only after undergoing yet another ultrasound to ensure that the fetus was actually dead.

    Stell also told CNN that she does not want to try to have another child so long as she's living in Texas.

    READ MORE: Expect 'major violence': Joe Walsh issues MAGA warning if Trump is indicted

    "I'm worried about getting infected, have something happen to me and then my daughter is left without her mom," she said of the prospect of suffering another miscarriage that would not be treated.

    Watch the video below or at this link.

    1. View previous comments...
    2. shootersa
      If it's wrong story and the american hater posted it, be very careful and check with other sources before drawing any conclusions.
      After all, you don't want your opinion formed by a liberal porn outlet.
      shootersa, Jul 19, 2022
      MacDaddyDiesel likes this.
    3. anon_de_plume
      Which takes less effort than complaining about it.

      And XNXX isn't even American, it can't possibly liberal! ;)
      anon_de_plume, Jul 19, 2022
    4. shootersa
      Or, you can do what anon does, and just go with whatever the liberal porn site tells him.
      shootersa, Jul 19, 2022
    5. anon_de_plume
      Or you could do what...

      anon_de_plume, Jul 19, 2022
    6. shootersa
      smack it again genius
      shootersa, Jul 19, 2022
  6. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    "What about when - as some states are considering - they start arresting women for getting an abortion in another state? Will you recant your "anyone can obtain an abortion" crap?"
    And crap is what it is. Nevada has had legal gambling since the 40's, and people have openly traveled from all over the country to go to Nevada and gamble, from states where it is even today illegal to gamble. No one ever went to jail for flying to Nevada to gamble. No one ever went to jail for flying to Colorado to get marijuana when it was made legal here. Just don't try to take it home with you. No one ever went to jail for going to an area that allowed alcohol from an area that is even today a dry place, you know, no alcohol.
    A state cannot make something illegal in another state. Will you and the other liberals recant their propaganda? Of course not. You just move onto the next propaganda piece. And lets not forget the legalized vigilantism those religious fanatics are cooking up, what about that? And the star chamber trials we can hold in secret to brand abortion doctors and their staff with a red "A" while we put in stocks those who receive an abortion? Or maybe we'll just kidnap all those evil people and drag them back into our state where we can deal with them easier. Otherwise, it will have to be death squads.

    "Ultimately you are right - anyone can get an abortion in America - IF they are rich. Then they can afford to travel. Then they can afford to pay the right people to do it safely. They will probably not die having it done. Meanwhile, the poor folk who can't afford to travel, who can't afford the safer options, will put their lives at risk for an abortion. "
    Yet more bullshit. One can travel from New York to Los Angeles by either bus or train for around $200, by plane for $400 and you know that no matter where one is in America when they find themselves pregnant, they wouldn't have to travel even 1/5th of that to find an abortion clinic. As far as the cost of an abortion, they can be had for free, or for very little cost and you should know that. Despite all the rhetoric, quality medical care is available in America whether one can pay for it or not.
    The bottom line is, you're still stamping your foot and twirling, demanding that America follow your edicts. No matter that roughly half of America thinks abortion is murder, their opinions don't count. Need to demonize and marginalize them because they are WRONG by God! WE KNOW WHATS BEST AND WE WILL HAVE OUR WAY!! NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES!!
    That about cover it, darkride?
    1. HisBabyGirl
      You throw out pricing like @200 and $400 like it's nothing. It's not nothing to many people. Now add in ground transportation, lodging, meals, the cost of an abortion, and taking time off from work. You make it sound like anyone can do this but there is a population who cannot.
      HisBabyGirl, Jul 19, 2022
      submissively speaking likes this.
    2. Scotchlass
      There is a real simple fix for all of the problems you list.
      Be responsible. DO NOT GET PREGNANT if you don't want to have a child.
      There are a multitude of contraceptives available at minimal cost (or free) to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
      And don't tell me (@Anon and @stumbles) that more sex education in schools is the answer.
      Anyone at this point who doesn't understand how contraceptives work and when they're needed is beyond help.
      Scotchlass, Jul 19, 2022
    3. stumbler

      You have already proven treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans don't have any personal responsibility. But your stupid ignorance here is just sicking. Is a woman or a 10 year old girl for that matter being irresponsible when they get raped?

      Is a woman whose contraception failed being irresponsible?

      Is a woman who finds her fetus is severely deformed due to birth defects being irresponsible?

      You exist entirely in your own little fact free bubble totally detached from reality. But won't take personal responsibility for that.
      stumbler, Jul 19, 2022
      anon_de_plume likes this.
    4. shootersa
      No, shooter wasn't trying to minimalize.
      He's said before that a woman who is unexpectantly pregnant has a difficult and heart wrenching decision to make, one that no male and some females cannot begin to understand. The decision is to have a child and alter the course of one's life in unpredictable ways or have an abortion and always wonder and carry guilt or have it and let it be adopted.
      No good choices there, are there? No neat and clean solutions that leaves no questions or doubts.

      The closest Shooter has come to the question is his two kids. If their birth mom had elected abortion that would have made the world a darker place. Most people would be telling the birth mom the best thing to do is abort; you're a drug user, no future, what are you bringing them into the world for?

      You can build all manner of scenarios that make free abortion on demand the only solution.

      Half of America would still call it state sanctioned murder.
      shootersa, Jul 19, 2022
    5. HisBabyGirl
      @Scotchlass, So, you're from Texas - that kind of explains a lot. I also live in a red state, however I was raised by parents who believe there is always enough on the table to feed one more and there is always a sofa for someone who needs a place to sleep. What you wrote implies that contraceptives should be the responsibility of any female. Sort of doesn't always work out that way when it comes to rape, incest, drugs, alcohol, etc. In some businesses, clerks have the right refuse the sale of contraceptives if it goes against their faith. Many GOP have announced they will vote against protections for access to contraceptives. How will that help the women in those states?
      HisBabyGirl, Jul 19, 2022
      anon_de_plume likes this.
  7. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    The GOP Mantra.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. anon_de_plume
      Slowly they chip away at societal rights, all while claim it is their opposition is taking away your rights. They claim elections are rigged, and then try to give themselves the power to overturn an election result they don't like. They claim to be pro-life, but when a child dies in the womb, they refuse the mother the necessary medical care to rectify her health. They claim a good guy with a gun will solve the problem, but then hire cowards with guns.

      The many faces of the Republican party.
      anon_de_plume, Jul 18, 2022
    2. shootersa
      In this one page the despicBles have managed to spew more lies and half truth spin than perhaps at any other time or place on this forum.

      Shooter wonders what, exactly they're trying to accomplish?
      Is it fear mongering?
      Some weird revenge thingy?
      Trying to change minds? With LIES?
      Self importance?
      Just being evil?
      shootersa, Jul 18, 2022
    3. Dearelliot
      Dearelliot, Jul 19, 2022
      stumbler likes this.
    4. anon_de_plume
      What lies?
      anon_de_plume, Jul 19, 2022
      stumbler likes this.
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    And once again we see @shootersa inventing a straw dog argument about no one getting charged with gambling in Nevada while totally ignoring the reality that some states are trying to pass laws making it illegal for a woman to travel to a state for an abortion and also trying to pass laws to punish a woman's employer if they assist her travel to another state for an abortion.

    When in reality @shootersa has no credibility on the abortion issue. None. Because @shootersa's pronouncements and alleged values are entirely based on who is president and what the religious zealots on the Supreme Court do. So if they want to allow states to outlaw abortion that is now fine with @shootersa in direct contradiction to what he has always said in the past.

    A thorough review is in order beginning with @shootersa's previous predictions.

    1. View previous comments...
    2. shootersa
      So, what did Shooter say about abortion after the court overturned Roe V Wade?
      Did he say abortion was wrong and should be banned?
      Did he shout and stamp and throw a fit?
      How is it you went back a decade in the archives but couldn't post one of Shooters abortion posts since the court made it's decision?
      shootersa, Jul 29, 2022
  9. Scotchlass

    Scotchlass Porn Star

    Dec 4, 2017
    According to the United Nations' 2013 report, only nine countries in the world have a higher reported abortion rate than the United States. They are: Bulgaria, Cuba, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Romania, Russia, Sweden, and Ukraine (and probably China, who is fudging the numbers). So we're in great company.

    @submissively seemingly took umbrage with a comment I made suggesting that many women do not see abortion as an act of consequence. Part of her reply follows, “Really of little consequence”. That’s … quite a mental leap. Next you’ll be hauling out the “abortion as birth control” trope. Abortion is a medical procedure, often prescribed or deemed medically necessary for a myriad of reasons. Or found to be necessary by the woman carrying the fetus, based on a myriad of compelling reasons, none of them anyone else’s concern.
    Even if I agreed that your passing interest in a fetus (and I do mean passing; y’all don’t give a flying fuck about that child or mother post-delivery) carries the same weight as the subject’s reasons or medical diagnosis compels - which I don’t, but for funsies let’s say I do - no individual should be compelled to do anything to their body they don’t want to do.

    As much as @Submissive showcases her concern about the mother, all pro-abortion advocates really have going for them are 1) it used to be legal, but, but, but SCOTUS.... 2) a significant number of abortions are medically necessary, 3) don't tell me what to do with my body, and 4) really, really don't boss me around, it's my body. And as a coda to her response, @Submissive's coup de grâce of y’all don’t give a flying fuck about that child or mother post-delivery, almost delivered in passing like a cheap, throw away line, is just such a stooopid meme Libs push as if only Liberal Democrats, Socialist Democrats and neo-Marxists can or do care about babies and children.

    Approximately 31% of all pregnancies in New York City (excluding spontaneous miscarriages) end in abortion (2018; CDC), and women with one or more prior abortions accounted for 42% of all abortions in the US (2019; CDC). So yeah, I see a lot of women who I think view the act as not having great consequence.

    @Submissive said, Abortion is a medical procedure, often prescribed or deemed medically necessary for a myriad of reasons. Really? Let's talk about 2) a significant number of abortions are medically necessary since this is a category which can be objectively measured. I personally feel a certain, relatively small number of abortions are medically necessary. Those who tell us there are no substantive medical or psychological reasons for abortion are as radical, to me, as those who would perform an abortion immediately prior to birth. But pro-abortion advocates always, always use the mother's health as one of their primary reasons for supporting abortion. While this is a legitimate and important rationale, how critical is abortion to actually maintain the health of expectant mothers and what percentage of abortions are for more subjective, elective reasons?

    Primary nationwide abortion statistics for the United States are available from two sources—privately from the Guttmacher Institute (AGI) and publicly from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Guttmacher’s numbers, published every three years, come from direct surveys of all known and suspected abortion providers in the United States. The CDC numbers, published annually, are derived from actual counts of every abortion reported to state health departments. Unfortunately, California, Maryland, and New Hampshire do not publicly report abortion totals. As such, Guttmacher’s abortion numbers are more complete, but they are approximations.

    In 2004, the Guttmacher Institute anonymously surveyed 1,209 post-abortive women from nine different abortion clinics across the country. Of the women surveyed, 957 provided a main reason for having an abortion. This table lists each reason and the percentage of respondents who chose it. Less than 7.5% cite physical or mental health issues with the mother or fetus. This number is higher than I had expected and I admit to being surprised. Yet, still, more than 92.5% of abortions were elective for one reason or another.

    Percentage Reason
    <0.5% Victim of rape
    3% Fetal health problems
    4% Physical health problems

    4% Would interfere with education or career
    7% Not mature enough to raise a child
    8% Don't want to be a single mother
    19% Done having children
    23% Can't afford a baby
    25% Not ready for a child
    6% Other

    The state of Florida records a reason for every abortion that occurs within its borders each year. In 2020, there were 74,868 abortions in Florida. This table lists each reason and the percentage of abortions that occurred because of it. 4.7% of abortions in Florida were due to physical or psychological complications of the mother or fetus, thus more than 95% of abortions in Florida were elective for one reason or another.

    Percentage Reason

    0.01% The pregnancy resulted from an incestuous relationship
    0.15% The woman was raped
    0.20% The woman's life was endangered by the pregnancy
    0.98% There was a serious fetal abnormality
    1.48% The woman's physical health was threatened by the pregnancy
    1.88% The woman's psychological health was threatened by the pregnancy
    20.4% The woman aborted for social or economic reasons
    74.9% No reason (elective)

    So when @Submissive tells me that an abortion is a medical procedure often prescribed or deemed necessary for a myriad of reasons, the numbers don't seem to back up her assertion -- unless she sees less than 5% of the total as representing often. But I am also sure that @Submissive will tell me that responses like: Would interfere with education or career, Not mature enough to raise a child, Don't want to be a single mother, Done having children, Can't afford a baby and Not ready for a child, are "a myriad of compelling reasons," enough at least to elect to abort the fetus. Are they? Are they compelling? Additionally, I'm sure that to her it's also none of my business why a woman elects abortion. However, since there are two bodies involved, not one, I disagree...

    There is no reason anymore for a woman to get pregnant if she doesn't want to. For those 95% of women who don't have an actual medical condition, if a man knocks her up and she later wants an abortion, that's when many states gets involved, for better or for worse.

    Choose your state carefully.

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2022
    1. View previous comments...
    2. ace's n 8's

      States re-introducing personal responsibility every chance they can...
      ace's n 8's, Jul 19, 2022
    3. ace's n 8's
      Poor ole sugar plum, such a dark cloud you allow to remain over you...you do know it is estimated that up to 2 million folks are waiting/looking to adopt.
      ace's n 8's, Jul 19, 2022
    4. anon_de_plume
      Really? And that's reason enough to force a girl to have a child? So that some rich couple can have children? If they are serious, let them hire a surrogate.
      anon_de_plume, Jul 19, 2022
      stumbler likes this.
    5. ace's n 8's
      Various real life scenarios could be pointed out here kid, even as neither one of us 'forced' the woman/girl to fuck

      I predict all States will legislate into affect an exclusion for rape and incest...the majority of the abortions are from un-wanted pregnancies and this is what it's been about....eliminating a birth control measure and take on some personal responsibility of their own.. it has nothing to do with the infamous 'health care rights'
      ace's n 8's, Jul 19, 2022
    6. anon_de_plume
      Wow, how ignorant you are... No. They won't.

      So, that's what is all about for you... Why is your opinion even required in the lives of strangers you have never even met?
      anon_de_plume, Jul 19, 2022
      stumbler likes this.
  10. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    LOL, you baby killing biden supporters are going to have much more than abortion to worry about after the midterms in November...:D:D:D:D:D
    1. View previous comments...
    2. anon_de_plume
      No, the Democrats have done nothing needing retribution. Just because you believe that Trump has been wronged means nothing, and that you think that this is a coordinated effort, funny how all the witnesses against him are from his own administration.
      anon_de_plume, Jul 19, 2022
      stumbler likes this.
    3. ace's n 8's
      The Tyrannical Treatment of Jan 6 Prisoners is a Threat to Our Democracy

      There are 535 people who are being held as “political prisoners,” who attended President Trump’s patriotic rally in WashingtonDC, questioning results in the 11-3-2020 election. (See DOJ website)

      NO one arrested in possession of a firearm and NO ONE Charged with “Insurrection.” (See FBI website and list of defendents)

      Those being held are being denied their “Due Process” rights. They have been held for over 6 months and are being denied visitors.

      Retribution awaits
      ace's n 8's, Jul 19, 2022
    4. stumbler
      The fact the Republicans are plotting revenge investigations if they win the majority is actually just more proof of their treason against the United States of America. They actually despise truth the Constitution and the rule of law and only want power for revenge of their Chosen One traitor Trump.

      But fortunately the treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans have already shit the bed on their "investigations" by setting the precedence. No one even has tlo show up for their "hearings." If they subpoena members of congress they can just ignore them like the treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans did. And anyone else can fight them in court for years or just not show up and make them refer them to the DOJ. And if Garland ignores them that's just fair play. And thanks to Trump President Biden can just ignore all subpoenas declare executive privilege over every witness and evidence they want. And just hand out pardons to everyone involved.
      stumbler, Jul 19, 2022
    5. stumbler
      Take note everything @ace's n 8's posted above are proven lies. But I will give just one example of that for now.

      DOJ wants the first US Capitol rioter convicted by jury to serve 15 years

      In a court filing Friday, the prosecutors said Guy Reffitt, a Texas father and member of the right-wing militia the Three Percenters, should spend significant time in jail because he brought two guns to Washington, DC,

      stumbler, Jul 19, 2022
    6. ace's n 8's
      Career criminals/rapists dont get conviction suggestions like that... the federal fucking government is attempting to make a real statement aint they?...dont question the federal fucking government..we are all mighty...
      ace's n 8's, Jul 20, 2022
      shootersa likes this.
  11. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    These people do not exist. No one expects a woman to get pregnant for the sole purpose of getting an abortion. It's just propaganda from the right.

    The term is pro choice. I personal don't like the idea of abortion, but it is not my place to dictate to others what they should do, so the term is pro-choice, so they are free to decide for themselves what to do.

    The pro-life people are really hypocrite, as they insist the mother give birth, only to abandon them once the child is born. Pro life is a true misnomer!
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. shootersa
      So, anon is now claiming he was in fact the victim of a rape.
      Shooter thinks total absolute bullshit.

      Anyone who has been raped, in particular brutally drugged and raped, will never make light of rape or rapists.
      Or be "sardonic".

      Or allow others to lie about being victims to garner attention or sympathy.
      shootersa, Jul 20, 2022
    3. anon_de_plume
      You asked a question, I gave you an answer that you don't like. Not my problem. Your belief about what is and isn't true about my life is not relevant.

      And yes, people do make jokes about the evil's in their lives.

      And exactly how do you know this 10 year old girl I was talking about was drugged? This is this first time anyone has mentioned being drugged. Now you're just making shit up!
      anon_de_plume, Jul 20, 2022
    4. shootersa
      Shooter is talking about his daughter being raped.
      Rape is not a joke with Shooter's daughter.
      Rape is not a joke.
      And Shooter is convinced you have never been raped, or for that matter ever punched in the face, so lets just leave it at that, eh?
      shootersa, Jul 20, 2022
    5. anon_de_plume
      Not everyone processes things the same. But then again, just another example of a right winger demanding you do as he says.

      And again, your belief is not required.
      anon_de_plume, Jul 20, 2022
    6. shootersa
      Good come back.
      Unconvincing, but a good comeback none the less.
      Not so good with the personal attack, but we'll take any improvement we can get out of you.
      shootersa, Jul 20, 2022
  12. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    LOL... they think they're sqwaking now over Trump...wait until the majority of the MAGA candidates get elected...oh my...wont be safe for women and children around these parts.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    1. darkride
      It's already not safe.
      darkride, Jul 19, 2022
      stumbler and anon_de_plume like this.
    2. ace's n 8's
      Could almost agree with that....
      ace's n 8's, Jul 19, 2022
  13. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    In you mind...personal responsibility no longer exists in today's society?
    1. View previous comments...
    2. anon_de_plume
      Except you can't stop yourself.

      You are correct. Petty. But correct.

      It's also nice to know you can't help but throw around your insults. It's all you've got!

      Wow, one letter was all it took to send you info a meltdown!

      I'll try and be perfect for you from now on, but I should warn you not to read anything from @Truthful 1. It will set your hair on fire!
      Last edited: Jul 20, 2022
      anon_de_plume, Jul 20, 2022
    3. anon_de_plume
      Wonder if she'll get I meant "into" and not "info"? Will she spank me again?
      anon_de_plume, Jul 20, 2022
    4. anon_de_plume
      Ok, I looked again, and it was actually two letters. So shoot me already!
      anon_de_plume, Jul 20, 2022
    5. stumbler
      Now at @Scotchlass you not only lied when you called me a liar you just stupidly lied again.

      Anyone can check the time stamps on your posts and comments themselves to see you were here when I posted that. You were quite active and I tagged you a the time.
      stumbler, Jul 20, 2022
    6. Scotchlass
      God, you are such a tedious idiot. I was gone for over 7 hours, you f**king moron!!
      I am more convinced than ever that @shooter is right, this is not an act on your part.
      You really are this stupid.
      Scotchlass, Jul 20, 2022
  14. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Stumbler has truly gone off the edge.
    Not a single statement in this post is even remotely supportable.
    [Especially not for Trump and his treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans who never take personal responsibility always try to blame others and are constantly the poor poor pitiful me ethereally wounded little snowflake victims.]
    1. ace's n 8's
      Cant support his own camp...so he has resorted makin' some shit up....gotta say tho..got one hell of an imagination that one does.
      ace's n 8's, Jul 19, 2022
    2. stumbler
      stumbler, Jul 19, 2022
      Dearelliot likes this.
    3. shootersa
      Ah. Progress.
      We're in the goal moving stage. Now it's Trump, not "Trump and his treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans"
      and its not "who never take personal responsibility always try to blame others and are constantly the poor poor pitiful me ethereally wounded little snowflake victims" its ................. well, not sure what it is, but we can be sure the american hater is going to tell us.

      We just have to sort through the hate spew.

      *wonders what "in cable" means?
      shootersa, Jul 19, 2022
    4. stumbler
      Sh0w me where you have ever taken personal responsibility for anything on this forum @shootersa? If you have I have never seen it. You can't even admit when you are obviously wrong. And constantly name call and blame others.
      stumbler, Jul 19, 2022
      anon_de_plume likes this.
    5. shootersa
      Now its "Shooter never takes responsibility"?

      Still at the moving goal post stage.
      shootersa, Jul 20, 2022
  15. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    It’d be nice if there were proper tagging so that I’d, you know, get an alert.


    Statements above ^^^ predicated on facts not in evidence. Gosh I hate having to repeat myself.

    So. If they can’t tell you how many, and they can’t tell you the race, they sure as hell can’t tell you why.

    Guttmacher says:

    Emphasis mine.

    Uh-huh. Eighteen year-old study, 1209 surveys. Missing half a percentage somewhere, but let’s not split hairs. The ‘other’ 6% is questionable, but 7% of an overall number is nothing to sneeze at. On some quick calculations from Statista, of the 74.71 million women of childbearing age in the United States, 7% is 5.23 million women.

    Colouration mine.

    Now, Florida can’t tell you how many people have had Covid. They can’t reliably tell you how many votes are cast. I’m supposed to rely on their numeration skills here? :rolleyes:

    But my question is - who the hell believes that 75% of ‘no reason’ (and I will assume here that no reason was given - women just don’t have abortions for no reason) should fall in the ‘elective’ category? That’s a bald and fallacious assumption. You don’t know why, because they didn’t say why, probably because it’s nobody’s business as to why.

    So let’s review.

    You can call me a pro-abortion advocate all you want, like you’re getting away with something sneaky. :rolleyes: You aren’t. You’re just wrong.

    I didn’t say significant, but if I was gonna run with your numbers (which I won’t, because you don’t have any idea what the numbers are, and neither do I) I’d agree that ~7% was significant so I won’t quibble too much.

    Let’s talk about percentages of state funds set aside for the support for mothers and young children. Health networks, child care, healthy babies/healthy mothers programs, you know, them good ol’ socialist safety nets for those moms who number between 20-23% of your numbers. Let’s talk about foster care programs that work, adoption systems that work. Let’s talk about what y’all are doing for those children once they take a breath, once they become a mental, emotional, physical and financial burden on women who would otherwise choose not to gestate a fetus. Let’s talk about the paid time off you give those mamas to take care of those babies so she and the child and whatever other child or family member she has to feed and clothe and house can eat and thrive. Because as far as I can tell, y’all do not give a flying fuck about those babies or the mothers.

    You’re not great with numbers, I guess? Like I said, your best guess is 7%. I’d actually estimate that at about 15, personally, but I’m not a certified statistician.

    Yes. Because they want one is reason enough, never mind any other.

    And yeah. It’s a person’s body. They have full and ultimate autonomy over their own corporeal self. They could cut off a toe; you’d have no recourse. Unless and until it’s outside her body, a fetus is her body, and it is hers to do with as she wishes.


    It is fucking mind-numbingly boring and bullshit posts like this that initiated my abandonment of the politics forum. Sweet fancy crackers this was painful.

    I do believe I shall once again take my leave and let you all bludgeon each other to death.

    • Like Like x 4
    1. Scotchlass
      It was good dueling with you.
      Take care.
      Scotchlass, Jul 19, 2022
  16. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    It's how shooter obfuscates discussions. It's also how he gets plausible deniability when he gets his ass hand back to him. "I wasn't talking to you so... :p!"
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. shootersa
      not always about you, anon.
      shootersa, Jul 19, 2022
  17. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    • Like Like x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. shootersa
      "The last thing a treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republican will do is click on a link that is nothing but liberal porn"​
      There. Shooter fixed it for you.
      "But a Republican is now suggesting forcing women to birth unwanted babies so that same sex couples can adopt them..."​
      Really. Stop with the Koolaid. You will not fit into your bathing suit come spring.
      "I don't really mind c&p, it's just those that mindlessly quote those posts that drive me crazy."​
      Careful. Criticizing the american hater will bring his wrath down on you like Moses from the mount, and you are not ready for that.

      shootersa, Jul 19, 2022
    3. anon_de_plume
      Did someone hear anything?
      anon_de_plume, Jul 19, 2022
    4. shootersa
      No, you can go back to your coloring.
      Try to be more careful and keep the colors inside the lines.
      shootersa, Jul 19, 2022
    5. stumbler
      The highlight of not only phony hypocritical dishonesty but also just pure panic is when you have to change someone's statement because you have nothing else.

      That is pure panic @shootersa.
      stumbler, Jul 19, 2022
      anon_de_plume likes this.
    6. shootersa
      shootersa, Jul 20, 2022
  18. HisBabyGirl

    HisBabyGirl Always & Forever His

    Oct 2, 2011
    • Like Like x 1
    1. darkride
      Well isn't she a charming lady...
      darkride, Jul 19, 2022
      HisBabyGirl and stumbler like this.
  19. HisBabyGirl

    HisBabyGirl Always & Forever His

    Oct 2, 2011
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. darkride
      She reminds me of our Pauline Hanson...

      I've said earlier I am glad Australian politics has so far very heavily pushed against any pro-life discussion, to the point of our Liberal party kicking out one of their own when he spoke out about how good Roe's overturning was.

      But, Pauline's party has a policy that is pro life... thankfully she's mostly got no kind of control over politics at the moment.
      darkride, Jul 19, 2022
      HisBabyGirl likes this.
    2. stumbler
      Believe me @darkrid I have gained a healthy respect for Australians who call bullshit on conservatives and vote against them. First its a way of saying we gave you conservatives a chance and you failed. But more importantly saying no we will not go down the road of lies and insanity. We refuse to live in some fantasy world when we have real concerns.
      stumbler, Jul 19, 2022
      HisBabyGirl likes this.
    3. darkride
      I was pleased beyond imagining at the last election here, when a loosely connected group of women all challenged sitting Liberal politicians, specifically targeting to unseat them. Most (all?) of them won! A bunch of global warming deniers, misogynists, anti vaxxers etc etc. All taken out by a bunch of women. Beautiful irony.

      I REALLY hope that a similar movement can start in America, to unseat a bunch of your Republicans...
      darkride, Jul 20, 2022
      HisBabyGirl likes this.